Please critique letter to JCPenney

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by SurveyTech, Oct 21, 2004.

  1. SurveyTech

    SurveyTech Member

    If you have time I would appreciate some opinions regarding this letter I plan to mail. Any suggestions are graciously accepted.


    Thursday, October 21, 2004

    JCPenney/Monogram Credit Card Bank of Georgia
    P.O. Box 9704
    Macon, GA 31294-9822

    Re: Account# ########

    Dear JCPenney Credit Services,

    I am writing in regards to a notation you have on my Equifax Credit Report. The notation indicates that the account was â??Included in Bankruptcyâ?. I did in fact file bankruptcy in 2001 however I believe this notation to be in error; either by my attorney mistakenly including you in my bankruptcy or by some technical glitch. The reason I say this is that this account had no balance owed, in fact it had no balance owed for 3 years prior to my filing for bankruptcy.

    Currently this notation is hindering my ability to obtain a new lower rate mortgage on my home. In light of the current rates I respectfully ask that you please remove this notation from my report so that I may take advantage of these lower interest rates.

    I would appreciate you taking this matter into consideration. If you need additional information please contact me at the phone number or address above.

    Thank you in advance,

    Awaiting Consumer

    Cc: file

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