Today my hubbyâ??s TU report arrived. He had one public record of Ch.7 Bk in 1998 along with 11 other negatives. 5 of these are showing â??charged off as a bad debtâ? while the other 6 are correctly showing as â??included in bankruptcyâ?. He has 20 positive tradelines, although the majority of those are showing â??closed by consumerâ?. His credit score from TU 692!!!!!!! On the other TU report has 4 negative bkâ??s. The newest of the negs was about 5 years ago. I have 13 positive tradelines...although I am carrying close to $6K on all of my cc's combined, but make maybe four times the minimum payment each month. My credit score from TU 518. Can someone please explain that? Why am I struggling so much to increase my scores and my hubby hasnâ??t done anything and has a 692? Also...with that kind of score...why does he keep getting declined for new credit? His balances are low...heâ??s not carrying more than maybe $500 in total on all of his cards. I, on the other hand...keep getting guarranteed offers (received another of those Cap1 Platinum offers today) His EQ score is 669 and we donâ??t know his EX score yet. My EQ is in the mid to upper 500's and so is my EX. Iâ??m thinking even if I do get rid of these final few derogatory entries Iâ??ll never see 600 (although my EX was briefly at 608 a few weeks ago)...let alone Please say it ainâ??t so. L
I have a chargeoff from 97, a collection from 99 and 8 other negatives on Equifax. My score: 640 Wife has never missed a payment, has a lot of debt. Her score: 636 I have learned that credit scores don't care if you tend to be slow in making payments, just don't owe too much! GT
I can't explain it but I can certainly sympathize. My wife's CE score is a full 90 points higher than mine, 686 vs. 776, yet we have identical CR's. Same accounts, same mortgages, Same history going back 7 years. Only difference is that I have 3 more inquiries, but I can't believe they are costing me 30 points a piece. Out of the three online scores, the TU score is clearly the most worthless. It jumps all over the board, and is on a 950 scale while almost all others are on an 850 scale. You really have to go through a third party to get a real TU fico score. I have a buddy who is a Mortgage broker that pulls my reports once in a while for me with a soft inquiry. Of course, with that I get a Mortgage FICO rather than a generic FICO, but it's a lot closer to reality than the crap on the website.
Scores are just crazy 2 weeks ago my TU was at 671 I was hoping to hit 700 after the last few inquirie got remove, well they got remove and my score want to 648, to many open account with bal. Some people get score lower for having too little accounts with Bal.I think rich people with lawyers see there true scores.