Please explain...

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by ghostgirl, Feb 13, 2007.

  1. ghostgirl

    ghostgirl Active Member

    My credit report is showing that my car loan is open and current but says (obsolete) too. What does that mean?

  2. rikoseth

    rikoseth Well-Known Member

    bump...because I just noticed the same thing on my CR??!!! equifax anyway...the others are correct
  3. Msbigbones

    Msbigbones Well-Known Member

    Hey, I have the same thing on my EQ report too. What is that all about?! I have never been late with my car payments. If someone knows the answer to this question please help us out.

  4. collectman

    collectman Well-Known Member

    I opened a car loan and then a month later transferred to my local bank. Equifax also reported that loan as obsolete. I have disputed them to have them show paid/closed but it has done no good.
  5. Msbigbones

    Msbigbones Well-Known Member

    Again, does anyone know what obsolete means and the best way to handle the situation?

  6. james06

    james06 Member


    Hello I get same thing with truecredit called equifax they said must be error with truecredit as thats how it is not showing in their system. Plus when I get equifax report in mail doesn't show it.
  7. Msbigbones

    Msbigbones Well-Known Member

    Thanks James06 for your input.

    Yes, it appears on the Truecredit EQ report. Come to think of it I do not recall seeing that any of my older reports via myfico.

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