please help dispute problem

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by pj, Mar 30, 2002.

  1. pj

    pj Member

    someone please help..
    I have a "charged off" account on my credit report. I had disputed it on 2 of my reports last month. It had been "deleted" from 1 of them (trans union). but the other(experian) had come back as "remains" as the result. I called experian right away (thats the way I have been disputing info, calling them in) to find out why. I had told them (experian) that it has been removed from another report and had requested they RE-Investigate.. the first lady I had spoke to said she CAN'T it had just been verified, and i should call the creditor I disputed (HH Bank). SO I did and they had NO information on the account.They stated this is a "charged off" account and had given me a number to call concerning the account. I called the number and they (Genesis F.S.) have the account, I'm also disputing it with them.. anyway, I had called (experian) right back and explained to a differant lady, i had just called the creditor and they said they have NO info. that the account had been sold or the lady had disputed it again for me. That was on March 5th. I had been checking on the internet for the investigations in progress and today (March 30th) it has been AGAIN updated as REMAINS...??? I still have to wait for the copy of my report to see how they came to this conclusion..BUT I was woundering, If the creditor (HH Bank) has NO information shouldn't be removed???? I called HH Bank again today to find out what information they have on this account and they sain they have NONE.. That I should call this 800 number where the account MIGHT be . THEY have NO info how can it remain on my report?????? What can I do from here?????
    How can you send a "certified" letter to the credit burueas?? They only supply you with PO BOXES????
    can you send certified letters to a PO BOX?

    Thanks for Help.
  2. whyspers

    whyspers Well-Known Member

    Interesting! I have HH Bank on my EQ and TU reports. I sent a letter to them after EQ verified it and received a letter back stating that they have no information on my in their system. I gave them my dob and ssn, so I'm positive they don't have me in there. I just faxed the letter to both TU and EQ, so hopefully that will resolve it, but I'm not counting on it. I'm batting zero with EQ these days. I pull a report one day and information isn't showing up...I pull it the next and its there. Its like a yo yo. I don't think their online system is pulling everything in. For example...on the printable version, it doesn't aways show everything because if you click on collections, something different is there. Its weird!

    Ah well...EQ will have to just wait for me. CCB and EX are next. I should be filing the complaint within a couple of weeks.

  3. pj

    pj Member

    thank you for your reply
    good luck to you
    They the credit beurueaus < how ever the hell it's spelled, HAVE to REMOVE it especially with the letter you have from the creditor.. I would think that it would be concidered inacurate information and according to the FTC by law they (TU n EQ) have to remove it..
    do you think you might be able to send me some type of outline or sample of what you sent to HH BANK? I have to write them myself and was looking for assitance. I had called them already but now I have to have something in writting from them stating they have no info on me..

    if you could please email me some help I would greatly appriciate it.
    as far as you having it removed I would say your GOOD TO GO.. Good Luck
    patrick (
  4. LKH

    LKH Well-Known Member

    Get a letter from HH stating they have no info on you. Then, you can fax that to the cra's and they will delete the entry.

    As far as certified mail goes, yes you can send to a P.O. box. They put the notice in the box. Usually, the company has someone that goes to the post office daily and picks up that kind of mail.
  5. Nave

    Nave Well-Known Member

    Patrick, Couple things:

    First, Stop using the phone. Period. You will not get desired results, you will not have an evidence trail, and it will frustrate the heck outta you. Even MORE frustrating than credit repair itself, is credit repair via phone. You need to send Certified Return Receipt Requested (CRRR) letters to all creditors and all consumer reporting agencies (CRAs) from now on. Yes the USPS WILL deliver CRRR letters to PO boxes.

    Second, You dispute with CRA's and you validate with creditors. I know it is what you meant, but not sending the correct letters and the correct intent will also NOT get you desired results.

    If you can get a letter as LKH says, that will make life alot easier, however if they refuse to do so, what I would do is DEMAND validation from the listed creditor via CRRR. You are correct that no matter what Genesis or Experian do if HH says they have NO information about the account, the account SHOULD be removed from your report. So when (if) you get the green card back from the validation to Genesis, send a dispute to Experian via CRRR. If Experian refuses to enter your dispute because it had been disputed twice already, then send a procedural request letter demanding how they verified, through whom, and what evidence do they have to back up the verification of the debt.

    Carefully word your validation (see the sample section) and you may want to send the procedural request anyway.

    USPS CRRR letters cost under 4 bucks and will serve as part of your evidence trail should you need to take them to court.

    Good Luck

    -Peace, Dave
  6. JLC

    JLC Member

    Household bank is very difficult to deal with. I was an auth user on exs gm card and ex defaulted two years ago. They listed the charged off acct as joint on my 3 crs. I have been fighting with exp and eq for 6 months, they wont remove, sent several crrr to household bank, no response. Just sent off letters to the top 7 executives at household hdqtrs in chicago, hope to get results. They know I am not joint on the card and they have no proof of liability(signature on cc agreement) but they just wont respond, they know It'll cost me a lot to sue in district court. Direct merchants is another one I'm having the same problem with! Good luck fighting with
  7. pj

    pj Member

    Thank You All

    Thank You All,
    I appriciate all the suggestions and assitance with this issue.. credit can be a real PAIN IN THE @%#..
    But we all need it huh??

    I am trying to word my request very carefully.. WHAT you say and HOW you say it , I think, is pretty important..
    I'm checking the sample despute letters but does anyone have any suggestions of what I should request or how I should request it??
    Last thing.. If this company (HH BANK) had trasferred this account to another company (GENESIS) could they (HH BANK) still request that it REMAINS on my credit report?????? as a matter of fact that is what the credut bur. keeps stating...

    Thanks Again Everyone
    It's people like you and this site that gives Hope to exercising OUR rights..

  8. tmitchell

    tmitchell Well-Known Member

    By telling you that it was "charged off", that tells you they do have info on the account. They know that it's been charged off. Normally, once that happens, they won't discuss the account with you and will refer you to collection agency.

    You acknowledged in your post that the info is accurate (it was charged off) but you seem surprised that they verify this. Stay off the phone and do everything in writing.
  9. Nave

    Nave Well-Known Member

    I totally agree, HH had information on the account or they could not have told you to call Genesis. They would have said, "stop calling here, we don't know who you are."

    What to say, is in the sample validation or dispute letters. Revise them to suit your case but keep the intent and demands the same.

    -Peace, Dave
  10. pj

    pj Member

    So do I have a chance of getting this "charged off" account removed?
    I'm dealing with Genisis seperatly, thats a whole differant story there.. But as far as HH BANK, Is a phone number for charged off accounts enough to keep in on my credit report??


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