I wrote awhile back about a situation I am having with CFC Financial (Asset Acceptance). I originally disputed with the CRAs that this account is not mine. I sent a certified letter to CFC on 5/21/04 demanding validation and proof of claim. I heard nothing back from them until 7/15/04. They sent me a one-page "account statement". It gives a statement date of 7/15/04. An account number; lists the prior/original creditor as SBC Michigan. It gives my name, the principal amount, interest/fees and total balance (which keeps climbing). In the meantime, they have also continued to 'update' the information on my credit reports. I disputed (online) with the CRAs that CFC has NOT provided me with the validation/proof of claim that I requested. I also stated that they appear to keep reaging this account. (It is showing a collection/chargeoff as of June 2004) I just received a response from Experien stating that the account has been updated. I contacted Experien and asked how they could possibly update an account where I have received no validation/proof of claim. I was told they can only go by what the creditor tells them. Please help me. Enough is enough. What letter(s)/steps do I take next
1*. It gives my name, the principal amount, interest/fees and total balance (which keeps climbing). 2*. They sent me a one-page "account statement". It gives a statement date of 7/15/04. An account number; lists the prior/original creditor as SBC Michigan ronaldh 1*Does it give a complete listing of all checrges and credits from the date the account was opened with SBC.?If not what they sent you was not validation! 2*Was this on SBCs letter head ?Ff not it was not validation 1and 2 if this is the case I would send the CA the 15 day estoppel. ****************************************************** NEW MEMBERS READ THIS. http://consumers.creditnet.com/straighttalk/board/showthread.php?s=&postid=410243#post410243 ******************************************************* http://www.send4fun.com/telephone.htm >