Please help me medical

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by nikko, May 29, 2006.

  1. nikko

    nikko New Member

    . Hi

    I have read so much but I am not sure how to proceed. My disability leaves me with very limited comprehension. I have two different insurance but apparently after the insurance company made their payments to the doctor office, I was left with a balance of 9.00. I received a letter from a collection agency asking me for a 9.00 payment. I check my credit report daily because I have been a victim of fraud. My credit report was clear from any medical collections. When I receive the letter I call the collection agency and paid the 9.00. I paid the 9.00 on March 6, 2006. On April 14 there was a new entry on my report that read paid collection 9.00. I have archive all my reports in the month of March and April and this entry first appear on April 14.

    I called them and told the CA that this was never appearing in my credit report in no form and it first appear in my report on April 14. April 14 was one month after I Paid the Collection payment to them. I asked them to please take care of this, and they have not. I disputed with the credit agency and it came back verified. It was my understanding that Permissible business purposes ended when I paid them, and that my medical account data could not be given to a third party without permissible business purpose.

    The data was not given to the credit reporting agency to update the credit records because it was not listed in the first place. I am so confused because what permissible business purpose exist in handing over my medical account records to the Credit reporting agency. If anyone can please help me I would really appreciated. I always try to do the right thing and it never works out. This situation is so exhausting

    Nicco-Brain Damaged
  2. Rottweiler

    Rottweiler Banned

    They can list at anytime.

    There is no law that says a collection account need be listed prior to payment.
    Or, at all. Since you paid them right away, the CA may simply have not updated their trade line yet. And, you did pay them, so a "Paid Collection" notation is correct.

    As to why the doctors' offices did not contact you first? Maybe the CA IS their business office. Medical providers oursource to CAs for billing as well as collections; this was one of them, apparently.
  3. Reatha

    Reatha Well-Known Member

    Did you pay the $9.00 as soon as you received the first of ANY communication from the creditor stating that you owed them any monies? If so, it appears to ME that you have justified grounds for removal of this item from your credit bureau. Anyone else???? I'm sure sir, that you need to communicate in writing, certified mail, return receipt. This is is your proof. Do you have a receipt for when the payment was made? Perhaps a current copy of when the collection went onto your bureau? If so, perhaps this should be included in your communication with the creditor when asking for removal of information from your credit file. I believe that you had thirty days to pay the debt when the first letter making you aware of the debt came to you. If they are reporting inaccurately it has to be removed. The problem with disputing the item through the credit agency is that if they can match up your account number with the company, more than likely it WILL come back as verified. This is something you will have to handle in writing w/ the company/creditor who is reporting the incorrect information. Best of luck. Reatha

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