I just posted a day ago how I have a charge off from cap one and NCO was pressuring me for payment, well , guess what came in the mail today....A letter from Capital one telling me"Congratulations you are approved for a secured card with a 200 limit with a 99 deposit! If I send the money in will they catch on about my chargeoff? Will they pull another report and see they are on there? what should I do?
I really don't think they will "catch" you... I had a paid off/account closed by creditor card with them back in Jan 01, and applied online in June 01--got an unsecured $500 credit limit with them. Hope it helps... Deb @ Mich St
That's interesting, They have kept my account in-house for the whole time. Why? I will never know. My account was never sold. It just kept accruing interest, late fees, late fees, and all the other mumbo jumbo. Well, hopefully they will reaffirm my account