Please help me undestand and fix

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Killer, Dec 31, 2001.

  1. Killer

    Killer Well-Known Member

    By getting paid collections removed and charge-offs soon reaching 7 years, my report will be clean except one account. Please help! The account is a repossesion (I am no deadbeat! It was totally unavoidable on my part!) I just pulled my Equifax online and the account appears under 3 headings:

    Under Credit Information:

    Name ABC Com
    Account 12345
    Balance XDollars
    Status 120+ Days Past Due

    Under Collection Accounts:

    Client ABC Com
    Account 7891
    Balance YDollars
    Status Unpd
    Collect'n Agency Collector, Inc

    Under Delinquent Records:

    Company ABC Com
    Account 12345
    Balance XDollars
    Past Due ZDollars

    As you can see, this same account has two different balances with 2 different account numbers! Not only this, the ABC has a report date of 10/2001 and Collector has a report date of 11/2001. They both are reporting the same account with two sets of information.

    Is this legal! I hope not. Would my score improve if the account appeared one time?

    I recently aplied for a loan for some equipment for my in-home business. The first question the lender asked, "What are these two accounts?" I had to explain that they are the same account. The lender stated "Are you aware that they are being reported as two seperate account?". I was approved for the loan but turned it down because of the incredibly high interest rate.

    How do I get this corrected? Because the debt is almost 3 years old and the limitation is 4 years in my state, I am afraid that the creditor will seek judgement if I contact them.

    Any advice is appreciated.
  2. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    How many times can one account be listed on a report.?
    How many categories can the same account be listed under? =========
  3. uniondiva

    uniondiva Well-Known Member

    I would try to challenge it though the cra's as disputing them as duplicate accounts. Write the letter and say that your investigation of these three accounts reveal they are the same and that two of them should be removed. If you do that they will investigate, especially if they think you have the evidence. They may delete one or both of the collection accounts and but you may still have the original creditor listed.

    I am assuming that your original disputes said "not mine".
  4. Killer

    Killer Well-Known Member

    Thanks for the advice.

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