Please help me with charge off account dispute

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by sailingxu, Jul 8, 2008.

  1. sailingxu

    sailingxu New Member

    I have an AMEX card which was never activated. About one year ago, I found there was one transaction that I didn't authorize. I called AMEX and disputed it with one manager and also asked to close the account. She agreed to fix the unauthorized transactions but just suggested me report loss of the card instead of closure. I took her advice. I never use the card since then. Just lately I got a letter from a debt collector for about 220 debt from this account. Then I realized that manager didn't do what she promised. I called AMEX and was told they didn't own the account any more. I guess my debt was sold to the debt collector. I have sent a dispute letter to the debt collector ask for validation. One month has passed. no response. On my credit report I see a charge-off account. What I am supposed to do next? Shall I deal with Credit Report Bureau, Or continue with the debt collector? Or both? Can I still resovle the issue with AMEX? How can I remove it from the credit report. I had a very clean credit history. Last time I checked my credit score when I bought a new car. It was 765. I am pretty frustrated with what happened. Please help to give some suggestions. If I have to deal with Credit Bureau, what I should dispute? Thanks in advance
  2. jjgross

    jjgross Well-Known Member

    Who made the charge and when was it fraud if it's fraud you have to get a police report you might be able to dispute as fraud they have up to 45 day's.or you pay on condition of full deletion in writing before you would send don't know who you talked to at amex.write their explain.I's their anything your leaving out?
  3. NightStar

    NightStar Well-Known Member

    You should of filed a police report and complete an ID Theft Affidavit at the Federal Trade Commission - Home web site.

    With copies of the police report and affidavit send them to the credit reporting agency asking for deletion.

    Also send copies to the collection agency and American Express ask them to remove the listing off of the credit report.

    Call all 3 credit reporting agencies to activate a fraud alert.
  4. sailingxu

    sailingxu New Member

    I didn't remember who placed the charge. When I call AMEX, they said they couldn't provide any information because they no longer own the account. That is why I sent a dispute letter to debt collector asking for validation. Since the manager of AMEX agreed to remove the transaction for me at the time, I didn't report a ID theft report. After one year, can I still report it?
  5. NightStar

    NightStar Well-Known Member

    It has been a while, but I believe you have 2 years from time of discovery. So you still have time, but you want to get that police report in soon.
  6. marcw

    marcw Banned

    Dispute it directly with the Credit Bureaus


    Just dispute the Charge Off directly with the Credit Bureaus, just like you did before with the debt collector, I quote "I have sent a dispute letter to the debt collector ask for validation."

    By law they have to respond to your dispute and hopefully they will remove it, without you having to deal with AMEX anymore.

    Good luck!

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