I really dont feel like my situation is to the point that i need to file bankruptcy but it may be. But for starters my situation goes as follows i had perfect credit until i fell unemployed with far to much debt to pay on unemployment. I had a motorcycle and a chevy blazer financed and about 8 credit line accounts, i did what i thought was best and paid the motorcycle and the chevy to keep them in good standing from being repossesed, but i had to let the credit lines fall into collections. This was at least 5-7 yrs ago since then i started working again and have contacted about 3-4 of the credit cards and established a reduce payoff for the debt and most of the companys where more than glad to get the accounts paid off. However there is a few accounts that im having trouble with the orignal creditor of these accounts are MBNA $1500 original credit line, House hold $500 original credit line, NTB $500 original credit line. Some of the collection agencies i have tried to deal with are NCO financal, Worldwide asset purchasing, and a few other small ones, I recently recieved a court summons for one of these debts but the problem is i dont know who the original creditor is. Im looking for any strategies for dealing with collection agencies and get out of debt any help is greatly appreciated thanks.
Call (888) 5 OPT OUT and choose opt out permanently. Get copies of all three reports using the US Mails by writing the following letter to EXP, EQ, and TU: Please send me a copy of my credit report. My name Address City Once you get these reports, begin clearing old personal information from them using letters, phone calls, faxes, directly with the CRA's. This information is used to match any account information you might dispute, so it needs to be as clear as possible before any account inaccuracies are disputed. Delete old addresses, name mis spellings, phone numbers, etc.
By far the most important thing is to answer that Summons. If you fail to do, Worldwide or NCO will obtain a default judgement against you. Secondly, NCO can be removed from your credit reports in about a week. No sense considering paying them in light of that.