Please Help me!

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Albin0, Aug 20, 2004.

  1. Albin0

    Albin0 Member

    I live in Florida..
    I had a bill with Raytel Caridac Services that started out being $1470.00, and after insurance and everything I owed them $310.00. I have paid them twice so far, as much as I can which has been $25.00 a month up to this point. Well, I sent them a payment last month, that was returned to me because I accidently forgot to sign the check. I resent them the check (it was only for $5.00 because of financial situations, I'm a poor college student) and I got called 2 days ago by some woman named Michelle from ???? to tell me that she was with a collection agency and that I was turned into collections.
    Now, as far as I know, first, they (either Raytel or the CA) were supposed to have notified me with a letter saying I was going to be turned into collections, and secondly, I was paying them every month, I wasn't late only anything! I don't understand why they did this.
    I called Raytel today, to have them take the bill out of collections, but they said they couldn't.
    Does anyone know if I have any legal rights here? Or am I just screwed with more crap on my credit?
  2. soup

    soup Well-Known Member

    More than likely they have a contract w/ the collection agency which is why they can't get the debt back, or won't........or at least that's there excuse...

    So what to do.....

    1. Do not speak to the CA on the phone...if they call tell you only want communications from then in writing and to not call you again....thank you.

    2. If you're willing to pay the debt, try a pay for deletion letter or get it in writing that they won't report if you pay blah blah blah

    3. Ask for valadation, you should do this BEFORE paying for deletion, I should have wrote this as #2 but am not re-typing........

    Do a search on the A,B,C's of the first steps and you'll be fine....good for you for nipping it in the bud
  3. Albin0

    Albin0 Member

    soup - from whom should I ask for valadation?
    The CA or Raytel? And what is "valadation"?

    I'm sorry about all the questions, all of these terms are very confusing... I could talk to you about rebuilding a computer all day long, but this stuff is beyond me! :)
  4. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    Validation letter is sent to CAs
    Read the what is validation thread in the link :
  5. Albin0

    Albin0 Member

  6. Albin0

    Albin0 Member

    I'm just curious, isn't the CA in some kind of trouble for NOT sending me a letter telling me I'm in collections? Considering that I was paying Raytel monthly, and the whole reason that there wasn't a payment for the month of July is because they SENT IT BACK TO me, because they needed it to be signed. They didn't send it back to me until August the 5th, and between then and now, they put me in collections. I mean, someone tell me if I'm wrong or not, but someone's f*cking up here, and it's not me..
  7. Shanyl

    Shanyl Well-Known Member


    If I'm not mistaken, this is a medical collection. Since this person was paying on the account, isn't this a violation of HIPAA?
  8. Albin0

    Albin0 Member

    It is a medical collection.. but I don't know anything about HIPAA..
  9. Albin0

    Albin0 Member


    Anyone have any other tips?
  10. pd11604

    pd11604 Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: Please Help me!

    You were making minimal payments, Raytel was accepting them as a courtesy.

    You did not pay them in July (the check was not signed)

    At this point they turned the account over to the CA

    I don't see a problem with what they did, sorry
  11. Albin0

    Albin0 Member

    Re: Re: Please Help me!

    That is some shit, I WAS paying them, and as far as the checks I've had, my student loan company takes my checks without them being signed, as long as it has my account number on it, I was putting my account number on the check to Raytel too, and the check was ONTIME and everything. How is it my fault that it took them until AUGUST 5th to send the check back to me? THey have my phone number, they could have called me and let me know there was an issued, but NO, between August 5th and now, they've turned me into a collection agency.
  12. Albin0

    Albin0 Member

    Re: Re: Please Help me!

    HA HA! Great news!
    Raytel cashed a check that I sent them! Isn't turning me into a collection agency, and then accepting payments while having the collection agency trying to collect the debt against some law?

    Regardless I don't even care! I'm going to call them today and get everything fixed. By cashing that check they've agreed to take the payments I've been sending them!

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