Hi everyone, I love reading all your posts, I am absorbing information like a sponge. I am trying to find some good information of Student loan rehab. I have found this site .. http://www.ecmc.org/student/st_drehab.html But it seems weird to me... Educational Credit Management Corp? I thought I would be going thru the government? Well anyways, I would really appreciate your help in this area, this will greatly help my credit, if I can accomplish this.. Thanks!
There are a bunch of threads on this site that deal with student loan rehab and consolidation issues. search for posts by roni.... those helped me when i first got on this board.
I have read thru many of the threads, I guess the main thing I need at this point is a number where I can call and find out who exactly is servicing my loans.. anyone have any ideas? Thanks
You can call 1-800-4FEDAID to ask for the servicer(s) of all your federal loans. Or you can visit http://www.nslds.ed.gov/ and click on "financial aid review" to apply for a PIN and then retrieve your federal student loan history, status, balances, and current servicer(s).
thanks so much for that number, I have set up a payment plan, in 1 year.. all derog will be deleted, can't wait!