Please Help

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by tracy9779, Oct 2, 2007.

  1. tracy9779

    tracy9779 New Member

    A friend of mind recieved a civil summons, on a debt that he thought was being paid. He was working with credit solutions to pay of his debt, however come to find out the money he has been giving them, is just there fee. My question is, if he doesn't go to court and a judgement is placed against him, will he get a time frame to pay the fees, or will it be due right then.
  2. Tegleg

    Tegleg Well-Known Member

    Hi Tracey,

    I am not real savvy on these things but I would suggest he needs to file an answer with the court as soon as possible. If he doesn't he will have a judgment landed againest him regardless.

    An attorny is the best option but alot of people have filed thier own answers. It's alot of work from what I understand and you want to be sure you know what your doing. Research carefully if he choses to file an answer himself.

    I wish I could offer more help.


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