Here is the letter that my friend got in response to the email she wrote to her mortgage company regarding late payments. What should be her next step here? She has 2 real lates that are not being reported, however they are reporting 3 others that she swears she was not late on. Please respond with what her course of action should be! We would like to apologize for the delay in our response to you. Your email dated 6/03/02, regarding your credit report, has been received. If you would, please forward us a copy of your credit report so that we may research the payments in question. You may fax the information to Joesph and ***-***-****. All we need is for the report to show ***** reporting, your name and information. If you do not feel comfortable showing all of the other reportings on the report, you may mark them out. If you have any other questions, or require any further information, please do not hesitate to contact us.
That is what I mean, I am afraid that she is going to send them the reports and they are going to see that the 2 that really were late are not reporting. Leaving the ones reporting incorrectly on there as well. Anyone know what to say in a response letter? She does not want to send her report.
What's wrong with octopus? It is yummy. Go to a good sushi restaurant and have some in a salad or a roll. If it were me, I'd love to have someone buy me a nice sushi dinner. I'd loose bets to them all the time if they are that stupid. On the other hand, if they wanted to make me go to Taco Bell, I'd run away. Cheers.
ohnostuck, She could request a payment history from the lender, it's a "qualified written request" under RESPA which is available at the HUD site. Here's a blurb and sample: A formal request for a payment history is one of the most useful requests you can make. They fall into the category of "Qualified Written Request" which is a term set forth in the RESPA regulations (Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act). A "Qualified Written Request" offers to you specific legal rights and protections. When you send one it stops them from taking any further action so long as you are not in a formal foreclosure proceedings. Several things happen, in your favor, once you send the request via certified mail â?? return receipt requested. First, they have to sign for it so you will receive proof you sent it from the Post Office (the green slip) Next, they are required by law to respond, in writing, within 20 days, acknowledging their receipt of the letter. This is typically a generic form letter. Then they have 60 days to resolve the dispute. During this 60-day period they CANNOT take any further actions in specific areas. Also during this time you need to continue making your payments, even if you know they may or will be returned. If they call you it must be with questions concerning your request. Many times they will send you a huge document and attempt to pass it off as a payment history. However, you are entitled to a payment history, which is clear, simple and easy for an average borrower to understand. A fee for a Payment History can only be charged if your mortgage note provides for such a fee. YOUR NAME YOUR ADDRESS CITY, STATE, AND ZIP CODE DATE Mortgage Co Attention: Customer Service address city sate zip Certified Mail Return Receipt Requested # RE: REQUEST FOR PAYMENT HISTORY NAME/ACCOUNT NUMBER Qualified Written Request Dear Madam or Sir: Kindly send me a complete and clear payment history of my loan, as referenced above. The payment history should consist of: (1) the date on which you received each of my payments. (2) The exact amount of each payment you received. (3) The month each payment was applied to, (4) a clear breakdown of how each payment was applied, and (5) a clear explanation of any and all other fees, if any, that have been applied to my account. Sincerely
I would email them or call them back and ask them why they don't know what they are reporting. I would call and talk to a manager/supervisor. Let them know that their incorrect reporting is causing her "damage" and "suffering". Find out who you need to write a snail mail letter to. Basically demand that they validate the late payments that they are reporting and tell them that you won't help them do their job.
They did send her the payment info, however she made payments by such and such time on certain days to avoid negative reporting via quick collect. They reported it late 30 days. By the way this account was closed almost two years ago. She is buying a new home (or trying to) and isn't a creditnet junkie so didn't know that stuff would haunt her. By the way THANK YOU for being so helpful! She is telling me this new info as I get your opinions! About eating the pus I don't think I will have to WE WON nanernaner!!! Hubby has tickets to the LAST game. Yes I am confident it will be the last game I will not EVER eat ANY raw meat. I don't care if it was for 1000000000 bucks NEVER
ohnostuck, ok, if closed white-out everything that I previously posted, that's only good for open. Take milkmom's advice and make them validate. But, I'm wondering, if you already received payment history, what does your friend have showing that the payments weren't received and posted as the payment reflects? Sassy