Quick run down: 12/01 got 1st CA letter 1/12/01 sent CA fax asking for validation heard nothing. 5/02 entry popped onto my TU report 6/02 disputed it...came back verified. sending this letter now RE: Dispute letter 1/12/02 Dear Sir/Madam, In December of 2001, your office contacted me, by US Mail, in regards to a bill from J. Michael Sparks. Seeing as I do not recall any such bill with this company, I requested proper validation within the 30 day time frame allowed by law. On January 12,2002 I faxed your office a letter requesting proof that this debt is indeed mine. I requested the following: Please evidence your authorization under 15 USC 1692 (e) and 15 USC 1692 (f) in this alleged matter. 1. What is your authorization of law for your collection of information? 2. What is your authorization of law for your collection of this alleged debt? 3. Please evidence your authorization to do business or operate in the state of New Hampshire. 4. Please evidence proof of the alleged debt, including specifically the alleged contract or other instrument bearing my signature. 5. Full account history of this alleged account. I did not receive any further communication from you regarding this alleged debt so I assumed the account did not belong to me and the matter was closed. However, in the end of May of 2002, I accessed my credit report and found an entry from your company for this alleged debt. In early June I disputed the account with the credit reporting agencies. It came back as verified. FDCPA, strictly prohibits a collection agency from placing an item on a consumers credit report when the consumer has requested validation within the first 30 days of the initial notice. FDCPA also prohibits a collection agency from not marking the account as disputed, when a consumer has requested validation. The FCRA also holds furnishers of information responsible for what is posted to a consumers credit report. In simple terms, if you can not verify with me, which you didnâ??t, you have no right verifying with the Credit Reporting Agencies. You have violated the laws as well as my rights. What baffles me the most is your reporting dates of this alleged account. Your â??placed dateâ? says 12/01, which would be the month I first received any communication from you regarding this alleged debt. The â??verified dateâ? you have listed is 3/02. I monitor my credit reports weekly. This item didnâ??t appear until 5/02. If this account is not removed from my credit reports within 20 days I will be forced to file a small claims suit in Manchester District Court on August 14th,2002, for violations of the FCRA and FDCPA. I look forward to a timely response. Sincerely, Kellie