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Please tell me

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by raiderpam, Jul 3, 2002.

  1. raiderpam

    raiderpam Well-Known Member

    This is a email I received from a ca, and this is my response back what should I add or take out, I have sent them two validation letters and the estople, they ignored me until I sent them another estople thru email, Thanks for your help ... I would like to take this time to advise you that our office is in receipt
    > of your dispute in regards to your Pacific Bell phone bill for phone number
    > 50000000001. We have forwarded your letter of dispute to the client
    > (Pacific Bell) on June 10, 2002. Please be advised that it takes roughly
    > 30-45 days before we get a response from the client.
    > Also please be advised that we have no current phone number to contact you,
    > and advise you of the outcome of your dispute, so you will need to contact
    > our office in approximately 30 days to see if we have received the results
    > from your dispute.
    > Should you need to contact me please feel free to call 1-888-454-3952. Why did this take so long to foward to your client? I have sent a dispute leter 3 times these were sent certified and were signed by your company Jan 13, april 19 and May 23, . also this should have been removed from my credit report in may.Also you have sent collection notices while this has been in dispute.In addition, you have committed serious violations of the Fair Credit Reporting Act. Rule § 623. Responsibilities of furnishers of information to consumer reporting agencies .My suggestion would be for you to immediately remove this listing from the Credit Repoting Agencies,You have my email and home address to contact me thru,it is not my obligation for to see if you have received validation, however it is your obligation to remove this from my reports.
  2. raiderpam

    raiderpam Well-Known Member

  3. SCMomof5

    SCMomof5 Well-Known Member

    You are on the right track. I would follow up Friday with:

    I have confirmed that you have exceeded the 30 day validation period that you are allowed. I do not see this deleted. Why not?

    You must comply.... (yadda, yadda)

    Attach this to your last response and ALSO, MORE IMPORTANTLY, in the cc area of the email, send this to the FTC and your local BBB and the BBB where the CA is.

    Scare the he|| out of them!
  4. RoundLake

    RoundLake Well-Known Member

    You have them on several violations, right?. Why don't you sue in small claims court? An interim step may be just to threaten to sue if you want to avoid the hassle of actually going to court.

  5. raiderpam

    raiderpam Well-Known Member

    Thank You!!

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