Long story here and my credit history got screwed big time. Someone pls let me know how I can sort out of this mess. I had a chase cc which I closed in March since I was going to live overseas for a few months. I was using this cc to pay my NetFlix bill with a billing cycle at the end of each month. So, in 2004 I was billed on 1/30,2/29 for $21.60 each. I called NetFlix on 3/1 and asked them to cancel my acount, which they did. I called chase on 3/14 to close my CC and the CSR told me there were no outstanding charges. I too forgot about the NetFlix charge on 2/29. Since there was nothing to take care of I did not bother to monitor it further. I returned from overseas last week and found atleast 10 letters from chase informing me that a balance of $100 exists on my account ($21.60 + $25 fines for 3 months for non payment) and another letter in July informing me that they are writing off teh $100 and putting it my credit history. I immediately called chase csr and indicated that I am willing to pay the 100 bucks. They tell me that the $100 balance was writen off and they dont accept any more payments on that account. When I called to cancel my chase cc on 3/14 the lousy CSR did not tell me about the pending charge, but there is nothing to prove it and I left this country by the time my bill arrived in the mail. I would really appreciate any advice of how to tackle this issue and get that off my credit history ?? Thanks a million.
If you were a good customer...ie never late before, I'd write a letter to them via www.plantfeedback.com It's pretty easy for me to see what happened I don't see why they wouldn't, especially since you offered all the fees...I'd a cursed them out and only offered the $21. Hopefully some one can give more advice, better advice.......that just bogus, especially since you closed the account....I'd think the $21 shouldn't have gone through.