Help Somebody: I don't know if anyone had this problem. Last week I called Equifax to dispute a couple of items(medical bills in collections) on my report. Before calling, my FICO was 635. A few days after I called, I got an alert that said my score had decreased by 9 pts.. Couple days after, I went to purchase a used car thinking my chances were pretty good of getting a car. The day after I applied for the car loan, I got another alert saying my score had decreased 91 points. The car dealer permitted me to look at the report and there were items that had been deleted in September 2006, but now have re-appeared on the report. Needless to say, I was totally out done by this. I believe if I had not contacted Equifax about my disputes, I would have my FICO score of 635. 1. How do I get Equifax to delete these items? 2. Is there a procedure I need to use to get these items back off? Please help, my wife and I are planning to buy a house soon, but this new development will slap our chances right out the water.. Please help ..
It sounds like what happened was: a) you disputed with the CRA (Equifax) b) they sent a verification form to the CA(s) to ask ("is this infor correct?") c) the CA(s) said "Oh! this person is trying to clean up his credit, he'll be ripe for the plucking!" so they pull your file out of the "too much trouble to bother with" pile and put it into the "we have this guy over a barrel" pile; update the record, update the amounts and "revive" the collection. d) this now shows up as an updated collection account (as opposed to a "dying" collection) and your FICO takes it in the shorts. While your FICO would have probably been fine if you had just ignored it, that's all in the past, now. You now have to dig in and get to work on validating, negotiating, and doing what you need to do to get these accounts resolved. DO NOT tell the agencies that you are trying to buy a house. They'll use that information to draw a hard line in the negotiations. But, you might want to put off applying for a mortgage because cleaning this up could take anywhere from 6-days to 6-months. Good luck. You're not the first person to be in this pickle so there is lots of experience to draw from here.
I can get with what you are saying, but the items that appeared had nothing to do with the ones I disputed. My report now looks like it was restored back to Sept. 06. I items i deleted was new ones ..
Pretty simple process actually. Reduce a communication to writing and send it to Equifax wherein you inform Equifax that the aforesaid items were "re-inserted" after they had been deleted per your prior request for re-investigation. Insofar as they had been deleted, Equifax had five days to notice you of their re-insertion from the time they had been placed back on your report pursuant to the FCRA. I doubt they did this because they never do. Advise them as such. Demand deletion under the auspicies of the FCRA. If Equifax doesn't remove them (which they normally do), sue them.
Is there any FCRA law I need to insert to show I mean business? Or could I just mention they are in violation if they do not delete?
Yes, there is a specific provision regarding re-insertion. However, I wouldn't bother mentioning it since it will be a drone reading it that wouldn't know what the cite meant in any event.
Thanks Apexcrsrv for your help. Sorry that i may sound like a cluts, but i want to get the written communication correct. To be clear, I would mention that they are 'required' to remove the items .