Poll: Best/Worst Customer Service

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by schweb, May 14, 2002.

  1. schweb

    schweb Well-Known Member

    I thought I'd take a poll on who everyone thinks provides the best and worst customer service for a credit card company. It can help all of us decide who's worth our time to apply <g>!

    So please list those companies you think provide excellent customer service and those who you think are seriously lacking.
  2. steve

    steve Well-Known Member

    Best customer service (no particular order):


    Chase and Discover are also good.
  3. erik776

    erik776 Well-Known Member

    AMEX is great.
    Walmart is OK.
  4. schweb

    schweb Well-Known Member


  5. Erica

    Erica Well-Known Member

    I have 4 credit cards. Cap One, FCNB, First Premier and Target. I only have those to choose from.

    Cap One

  6. KHM

    KHM Well-Known Member

    My CU :)

  7. Dani

    Dani Well-Known Member

    Best Customer Service: Juniper and Amex

    Worst Customer Service: Hands down...Fleet

    Company that is starting to get on my Nerves with their Telemarketing: Citibank

  8. schweb

    schweb Well-Known Member

    What has your problem been with Fleet? I've dealt with them a few times and they've been pretty good...of course it could always be that I'm not asking things that make them mad LOL!
  9. girl6

    girl6 Well-Known Member

    I agree, Citibank and Capital are almost invasive w/ the marketing. Can I just get off the phone with you Capitalone w/o Privacy guard?

    I think Citibank has good (kissass) customer service.

    Of course Amex is good.

  10. Mist

    Mist Well-Known Member

    I take it your interest rate on Juniper has not been jacked for no reason like mine was (13.74 to 17.99)

    no reason = no lates on Juniper or any other obligation, all scores in 700's, no changes to credit report except scores keep going up, up, up while balances going down, down - have paid over $11000 in total cc balances since I opened the Juniper account. Balance at time of jackup was $700 out of a CL of $17,500 (paid off now! Into the sock drawer)

    Juniper customer service was snotty to me when I called. At one point the rep said "you don't understand anything about credit"

    As IF!!!!!!!!!!!

    This because I said the jacked rate was ridiculous to impose on a Prime customer and something that usually happens only to sub-prime customers who have had negatives added to their credit reports. He kept telling me "We can change the terms of your agreement at any time" Well, yes, I suppose they can but WHY would they do this to Prime customers?

    EQ 731
    EX 708
    TU 758
  11. Dani

    Dani Well-Known Member

    To make a long story short (because I know everyone is sick of reading about it) ;). Hubby got a Fleet Titanium in February 2000. 4K CL and "fixed" interest rate of 9.99%. Two months later they added an annual fee of $35 (this was their excuse to keep interest rates low). In September (same year) we receive our statement with a 23.99% interest rate - no notice, nada.

    I called customer service three times. I received the following excuses for the absurd interest rate hike.
    1) Across the board interest rate increase
    2) Bad credit report (ha!)
    3) We were a "threat"

    Well, I get a copy of the CR - no lates, no derogs, etc. Perfectly clean.

    Call Fleet back they said tough. I wrote a nasty letter to their credit department along with a copy of the credit report. Two months later I receive a response that they made a mistake and will be lowering my husband's rate back to 9.99%. I contacted them to credit the finance charges. They did, but it took an additional three months. We transferred the balance out and closed the account.

    Did Fleet correct their so called "mistake"? Yes, but my thinking it should have never happened in the first place. They were increasing interest rates for those that were carrying high balances on the Fleet card. Their thinking was if this person was carrying a high balance that they could not possibly pay off the amount anytime soon - so they would incur rates of 23%. More money for Fleet.

    I just didn't like the deceitful practices and the rude customer service. They refused to transfer me to a supervisor, they refused to give me their credit dept's address so I could send a letter, etc.

    Many people have had good experiences with them and many of us have had bad experiences.

    Just my .02. :)

  12. Dani

    Dani Well-Known Member

    Mist mine hasn't been jacked up...yet. It is still at the intro rate of 1.9% until June. If they do increase the rate I close the account. I have gotten to the point that I don't deal with that crap anymore. If a CCC can't offer me low rates, decent customer service, and a high CL - then screw them.

    I understand where you are coming from ( I feel the same about Fleet, that you do with Juniper). When someone says something nice about Fleet, I don't believe it. :)

  13. whyspers

    whyspers Well-Known Member

    Best, Capital One...worst...by far Providian!

  14. schweb

    schweb Well-Known Member

    Thanks for your story Dani...I guess I can see where you might have a problem with Fleet <g>
  15. marci

    marci Well-Known Member

    best: MBNA, then AmEx, then Citibank

    worst: Household/Orchard, Providian
  16. jr

    jr Well-Known Member

    Best: Capital One (Thank's Mr. Cooke!!!! )

    Worst: Providian (They are always lost in space when I call them.)
  17. wkn

    wkn Well-Known Member

    Best - Cap One
    Worst - GE Cap
  18. Mark LA

    Mark LA Well-Known Member

    Re: Poll: Best/Worst Customer Servi



    NextBank (closed)
    Fleet (closed)
  19. LisaMc

    LisaMc Well-Known Member

    Re: Poll: Best/Worst Customer Servi

    By far AMEX! They empower the reps to do what they need to do to close the call. I really appreciate that.

    Worst, without a doubt, Providian. The exact opposite is true.

    How about best and worst for cust svc with CRA's?

    Best would have to be TU.
    Worst, beyond a shadow of a doubt, Equifax's affiliate--CSC. They absolutely, positively are without a clue. Most don't even know how their phone and headsets work! They are rude, ignorant, and completely understaffed. That's my two cents!
  20. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    by schweb
    1*thought I'd take a poll on who everyone thinks provides the best and worst customer service for a credit card company.

    2* It can help all of us decide who's worth our time to apply <g>!

    3*So please list those companies you think provide excellent customer service and those who you think are seriously lacking.

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