POLL: which CRA is the toughest?

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by ryder, Jan 10, 2003.

  1. ryder

    ryder Well-Known Member

    I was just wondering what everyones' thoughts were?

    In my case, I would have said TU a month ago, but now it looks like it will be the first CRA to give my a clean report.

    EX seems to give blanket deletions in a first dispute (because they don't want to do all of the investigations), but then they seem to always verify just one or two accounts and then are pretty stead-fast about not deleting in later disputes.

    EQ seems to play more by the book than the other two, giving few blanket deletions and doing complete investigations. But maybe, that's just my experience?
  2. robin

    robin Well-Known Member

  3. robin

    robin Well-Known Member

    I would say Equifax is the hardest closely followed by Experian and then TU.
  4. kalinka

    kalinka Well-Known Member

    I also agree that Equifax is the toughest cookie
    of them all but at the same time they are erratic.Sometimes they delete what the other 2 won't but what they do verify they hang on to:(
    Experian and then Transunion.
  5. chucky

    chucky Well-Known Member

    I would agree with the posts above. I only have 4 negatives on Eq and they verifed all 4 during CHOD. They were the only CRA to verify all disputed items. Both Exp and TU deleted two negatives during CHOD out of 4 disputes each.

    By far, TU seems the easiest. I've noticed my report seems to improve with them at random even without effort. I had several late pays recently removed even though I had never disputed them and they were well within the 7-year SOL.
  6. four20nik

    four20nik Well-Known Member

    I have been workingon both my and my husband's files.

    My first EQ dispute was for 11 things. 1 was updated as requested, 9 were deleted as reuested and 1 was verified. All in all, alot better results than I thought. They removed a lot of high $ items that I thought would be very hard to remove.

    My first TU dispute was for 13 things. 11 were deleted and 2 verified...including one of the ones EQ deleted. This was also a very good round. TU deleted some things that I didn't dispute with EQ for fear they would be verified. Gave me ammo to go back to EQ for round 2 (disputed the last 6 negs w/ EQ). Through contacting OC's, I have grounds to have a few more negs from TU removed.

    Have no experience w/ EX..for some reason, I have no neg items on it.

    Hubby: All 3 bureaus show same info (4 negs). I have disputed 3 things w/ each CRA. Awaiting cancellation letter for 4th neg.

    Round 1 with TU deleted Cap1...the real bugger.
    2 more things still pending.
    EQ "verified" cap1, but 2 things are still pending.

    and EX still pending for all.

    I guess, I just took the long way of saying that EQ and TU have both been pretty good about blanket deletions. I think I have had better success with EQ, even though they drag out the 30 daything. TU has been good with the 30 day thing. Not much experience w/ experian though. Waiting on hubby's results.


    EQ 653 12/02
    TU 561 1/03
    EX 633 1/03
  7. radiohead

    radiohead Well-Known Member

    Experian has been very easy for me. Equifax and TU are both nightmares.
  8. jlynn

    jlynn Well-Known Member

    How many that say Equifax is most "by the book", are actually in an affilate? And are we finding that makes a difference? I am with CSC. They are pretty reasonable with following the rules, although they have tried to sneak in a Cap 1 reinsertion.

    EX and TU are pretty equal with mass deletions for me, the only problem is they both play by their own interpretations of the FCRA.
  9. tnobles

    tnobles Well-Known Member

    Experian most definitely in my experience, then Efx then TU.
  10. zerodown

    zerodown Well-Known Member

    TU is the easiest to get deletions on but the hardest to get updates (removing lates) because they just delete the whole tradeline.

    EQ seems to delete/verify/update when they get info in.
    EX seems to wait 30 days then automatically verify.

    I haven't decided yet who has the dumbest csr's though.

  11. charityg

    charityg Well-Known Member

    Dealing with both mine and fiances reports I've found that

    Experian hates us both
    Equifax loves me, hates fiance
    Transunion loves him, hates me

    Getting stuff off Experian has been like pulling teeth. What's curious about Equifax though is that all of my derogs on EQ were from when I lived in Georgia, except for a paid collection by Equifax check services for an NSF check while I've been living in Minnesota. My fiance has lived in MN all his life. All of my GA derogs were deleted (except a pesky unpaid medical collection), and EQ also deleted the Equifax Check Services paid collection (really weird I thought) but verified EVERY SINGLE disputed item for fiance.

    CHOD was definitely a mixed bag for us.
  12. KHM

    KHM Well-Known Member

    EXP is BY FAR the hardest, but I do haev to admit they are reporting 100% accurate info on hubby and 98% accurate for me. I stopped even bothering with them. I pull reports once every 4-6 months now for EXP.

    EQU- a breeze for me and hubby up until our last derogs. We each have one left on EQU that haven't budged since '01.

    TU- Mixed feelings. Hubby has had something like 11 derogs removed (once we paid the CA) and I've had stupid errors fixed (address, DOB, late pays) however I had to deal with the creditors in order for TU to even listen to me. They also keep reinserting a negative without notifying me. If everytime they did it regarding this one account I would a gazillionaire :)
  13. cma

    cma Well-Known Member

    My experience for both myself and wife:
    (Score 1 to 10, with 10 being good/easy and 1 being bad/hard)

    Customer service 6
    By the book 9
    Report up-to-date/correct info 8
    Reinvestigation (disputing) process 3
    Difficulty in deleting tradelines 3

    Customer service 5
    By the book 5
    Report up-to-date/correct info 7
    Reinvestigation (disputing) process 7
    Difficulty in deleting tradelines 4

    Customer service 2
    By the book 2
    Report up-to-date/correct info 1
    Reinvestigation (disputing) process 5
    Difficulty in deleting tradelines 6
  14. cinderella

    cinderella Well-Known Member

    Experian takes the cake. They are a complete nightmare for me. Sometimes I feel like I am on some secret "blacklist" of theirs.

    No problems with EQ of TU, just EXP.
  15. cibomatto

    cibomatto Well-Known Member

    1 to 10 with 10 being the hardest

    I rate

    Experian 6 (I got about 90% of derogs removed and have a few stubborn ones left although EX was pretty easy to deal with)

    Equifax 9 (again about 90% of derogs i got removed however when it came to fixing my social security or my address i found Eq impossible to deal with)

    Transunion 6 ( Didn't have to deal with them too much..)
  16. monkeyboy

    monkeyboy Active Member


    But is still got 7 deletions from CHOD.
  17. Nineflies

    Nineflies Well-Known Member

    My limited experience says Experian. The final vote will not be in for a few more months.
  18. crebre

    crebre Well-Known Member

  19. Zaxxon

    Zaxxon Well-Known Member

    -EXPERIAN is the WORST. We'll see how tough they are after a few more rounds of letters.

    I have a new nib for my pen and a fresh bottle of ink.
  20. MaddKredit

    MaddKredit Well-Known Member

    Re: POLL: which CRA is the toughest

    EXP is by far the worst. these Damn Nazi's think they are above the FCRA. I must be on their $hit List. LOL ;-]

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