Poll: Who's the worst CA...

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by tinaboo, Jun 24, 2002.

  1. tinaboo

    tinaboo Well-Known Member

    you have had to deal with?

    I can't stand NCO. They are the biggest lyers of CA that I have had to deal with. I don't know how the people working there can evey sleep at night.
  2. thomas

    thomas Well-Known Member

    It's a tie - NCO and IC Systems.

    I bet NCO will win the poll
  3. thomas

    thomas Well-Known Member

    One additional thought since you brought up NCO. They claim to be part of Wells Fargo (a subsidiary) but I have never been able to verify this. Does anyone know?
  4. cinderella

    cinderella Well-Known Member

    American Agencies and IC System for me.
  5. SCMomof5

    SCMomof5 Well-Known Member

    NCO and AAA Collectors (aka Triple Check)
  6. soup

    soup Well-Known Member

    IC Systems
  7. quigs

    quigs Well-Known Member

    Cambece Law Office/Collect America
  8. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    The very worst ones are the ones whose names start with A- Z
  9. wkn

    wkn Well-Known Member

    Don't know, but there's some interesting information in their Annual Report. Description of how they work below. More at http://edgar-online.lycos.com/bin/edgardoc/finSys_main.asp?dcn=0000950116-02-000388 for anyone interested in NCO.


    Accounts receivable management and collection services typically include the following activities:
    Management Planning. Our approach to accounts receivable management and collection for each client is determined by a number of factors including account size and demographics, the client's specific requirements and management's estimate of the collectibility of the account. We have developed a library of standard processes for accounts receivable management and collection, which is based upon our accumulated experience. We integrate these processes with our client's requirements to create a customized recovery solution. In many instances, the approach will evolve and change as the relationship with the client develops and both parties evaluate the most effective means of recovering accounts receivable. Our standard approach, which may be tailored to the specialized requirements of each client, defines and controls the steps that will be undertaken by us on behalf of the client and the manner in which we will report data to the client. Through our systematic approach to accounts receivable management and collection, we remove most decision making from the recovery staff and ensure uniform, cost-effective performance.

    Once the approach has been defined, we electronically or manually transfer pertinent client data into our information system. When the client's records have been established in our system, we begin the recovery process.

    Skiptracing. In cases where the customer's telephone number or address is unknown, we systematically search the U.S. Post Office National Change of Address service, consumer databases, electronic telephone directories, credit agency reports, tax assessor and voter registration records, motor vehicle registrations, military records and other sources. The geographic expansion of banks, credit card companies, national and regional telecommunications companies, and managed healthcare providers, along with the mobility of consumers, has increased the demand for locating the client's customers. Once we have located the customer, the notification process can begin.

    Account Notification. We initiate the recovery process by forwarding an initial letter that is designed to seek payment of the amount due or open a dialogue with customers who cannot afford to pay at the current time. This letter also serves as an official notification to each customer of his or her rights as required by the Federal Fair Debt Collection Practices Act. We continue the recovery process with a series of mail and telephone notifications. Telephone representatives remind the customer of their obligation, inform them that their account has been placed for collection with us and begin a dialogue to develop a payment program.

    Credit Reporting. At a client's request, we will electronically report delinquent accounts to one or more of the national credit bureaus where it will remain for a period of up to seven years. The denial of future credit often motivates the payment of all past due accounts.

    Payment Process. After we receive payment from the customer, we either remit the amount received minus our fee to the client or remit the entire amount received to the client and bill the client for our services.
  10. Manequinne

    Manequinne Well-Known Member

    NCO hands down is very bad.

    I give 2nd place to any collection agency that pretends to be a lawyer/lawfirm etc..........

    3rd place is any agency that lies....OOPS, that is all of them.

  11. jdog0411

    jdog0411 Well-Known Member

    Have to add Arrow Financial Systems to that list. They suck. I am suing them at the moment so I am making them pay :)
  12. mhoss007

    mhoss007 Well-Known Member

    Definately :-
    Gulf State
    Even in this so bad economy this guys are making bumper profit. What you got to say.................?

    I think they are the king of all evils.
  13. rblues

    rblues Well-Known Member

    Arrow for sure~! They really suck.

    Jdog..how is that suit coming along?
  14. EdG

    EdG Well-Known Member

    Allied Interstate (they have a new name now)

    Pulled my CR several times after I paid my student loans off.

  15. Quixote

    Quixote Well-Known Member

    Whichever one is on the phone.
  16. neosmatrix

    neosmatrix Well-Known Member

    arrow and IC systems
  17. NanaC

    NanaC Well-Known Member

    Blatant violations: Wakefield & Assoc. & Arrow

    As a thought: Worst state agency with debt collection laws/regulating agencies in place: Illinois!
  18. mindcrime2

    mindcrime2 Well-Known Member

    Asset Acceptance Corp.
  19. pulse

    pulse Guest

    Asset Acceptance Corporation

    Loves to Re-age accounts.
  20. sirrowan

    sirrowan Well-Known Member

    I believe I will print this out and use as a sleeping pill each night. NCO's Annual Report that is.

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