Poor payment history

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by jbelle912, May 3, 2005.

  1. jbelle912

    jbelle912 New Member

    First, thank you for being so open about your credit past. Until I found sites like this one, I felt like I was the only one who had made a mess and didn't have the first clue where to begin cleaning. Reading your postings has given me hope. Most of the things on my report, I did to myself. I have pulled all 3 of my reports, and from the information found here, have figured out a starting point.

    Here is the question:
    I had four student loans that I consolidated into two.
    The four student loans all had late payment history. Is there any way to get them removed or just not have the payment history included in the report?
  2. jenz123

    jenz123 Well-Known Member

    dispute as not mine or never late.
  3. jbelle912

    jbelle912 New Member

    Thanks for the reply. I have read so much, that now I'm in information overload and suddenly am afraid of making the wrong move. In '03 and '04, I attempted to "clean up" my credit, but got discouraged both times. Now, after reading this board and finding out how to get over some of the obstacles that were put up, I think I can get it done this time. I have also been blessed to finally get the job those student loans paid for, so financially I don't think I'll ever make this mess again. I'm sure I'll be begging for your help again or maybe just for kick in the butt if I lag!
    Have a great day!

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