portfolio recovery... help!!!!

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by mvalrie, Feb 16, 2005.

  1. mvalrie

    mvalrie Well-Known Member

    I had an old EMCC TL added to two of my CR's by Portfolio. They were the third CA to have this account and it was frozen by a previous DV back in 2003. I faxed and mailed a letter including copies of the previous DV's and they folded or so I thought.
    The same day that I received the green card back, I also received a letter from Portfolio's legal counsel stating that the account would be purged from their files along with a copy of the UDF that was sent to the credit bureaus.

    I figure it's taken care of and while I expected that the bureaus would drag their feet on the removal, what I didn't expect was the insertion of another TL from Portfolio Recovery on my Experian for the same account with a "different" number. They also added it with the "old" account number to my Transunion report just for the hell of it.

    Ok, experts what is my next move? Do I wait to see how this plays out or do I rattle off another letter

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