I don't remember if I posted the outcome of this or not. TU finally reinserted my auto loan which was deleted after I disputed a 30 day late early last year. The weird thing was that it was reinserted WITH THE 30 DAY LATE! I called AmeriCredit and they called TU right away and had it straightened out within a matter of minutes. The account is now reporting as a positive with no lates.
Dave, how did you get them to reinsert? One of mine disappeared too (I didn't dispute anything on it). It was not due to fall off until 2010 or something like that. They told me there wasn't anything I could do about it.
wkn, I posted how I e-mailed Don Richman at Trans Union about this very thing. I e-mailed on the June 18, and he reinserted today.
I called AmeriCredit months ago then PlanetFeedbacked them. They told me they were reporting to all three and I had to call the CRAs. I called Equifax and TU and they told me AmeriCredit wasn't reporting. Amy Cox at AmeriCredit (who handles all of their PF letters) then manually sent a UDF to TU and Equifax. I waited 60 days. The account still didn't show up. Amy then called AmeriCredit's rep at TU and Equifax. Equifax reinserted right away. TU said they had to wait for the end of a dispute. When the dispute ended TU put the account back with the original 30 day late. When I saw it online I called Amy back. She called her TU guy and he corrected it right away.
TU won't reinsert my deleted auto no matter how sweetly (or not) that I ask, They say it is impossible. Of course, in the crazy credit world, that means it could reappear any day now.
Is there any legal justification for a lawsuit?? Has anyone ever sued over a deleted positive account and won? Truth is, I am a legalphobe, and would probably never do it, but is there a precedent for that type of legal action?? It p$%%s me off, but I'm at the point where I'm about ready to give up. It shows on Eq, so a mortgage lender would see it. TU has always been my toughest CRA. (I think that they think I am frivolous bc I have a (relatively) high score. So I am not entitled to accuracy? Maybe I have been supremely unlucky with the rep I get when I phone, but I never get anyone who seems remotely interested in helping me.
Dear Calypso, Frankly, I don't know of anyone who's sued over a postive TL, much less won. However, The legal argument would be the same. If a negative tl reduces your score it causes you damage. If the innapropriate failure to list your positive tl will also cause an unjustified drop in your score. A case of actual damage.
I might also add that we are dealing with some rather vindictive and psychologically screwed up people in many instances. Please see my thread on "Interesting Psycho-Dynamic; @ http://consumers.creditnet.com/stra...4546&highlight=interesting+psycho#post194546. I would't be a bit surprised to see positive TL's deleted as punishment for someone sticking up for their rights. From THEIR perspective you're not "sticking up for your rights" you're just a PAIN IN THE A$$.