Possible judment against me

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by abubobo4, Sep 12, 2008.

  1. abubobo4

    abubobo4 New Member

    I was recently involved in an auto accident. They guy that hit me wants pain and suffering. Even though his chances of winning are extremely slim, out of curiosity I would like to know what can happen if I have a judgement against me. This occured in NY state and I have a home and work in PA. Under PA law, can my wages be garnished or a lien placed on my home? Thank you very kindly for the assistance.
  2. flacorps

    flacorps Well-Known Member

    If you have BI (bodily injury) coverage and your insurer is defending you (and has not reserved its rights because of some problem or other that you created), you really don't need to worry much about any judgment. Your insurance company will settle within the policy limits, or if it settles for the policy limits you will sign an affidavit of no assets above and beyond the policy limits, and if neither of those comes to pass and an excess judgment (a judgment over the policy limits) is rendered, you will have a claim against your own insurer for bad faith if they could have settled inside the policy limits and they didn't.

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