Post CHOD results here!

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by kerry, Dec 15, 2002.

  1. four20nik

    four20nik Well-Known Member it is...

    EQ: 11 things disputed, 9 deleted, 1 updated!!!! Went from 18 bad things to 7, and working on disputing those.

    TU: 14 things disputed, 11 deleted!!! TU was actually helpful in assisting me with disputes on 3 more things. Went from having 18 bad things down to 7 (disouting 4 of those)

    I also found out through contacting an original creditor, they no longer have my info on file!!! yippee...Add one more thing to the deleted pile (well, in 30 days)

    Odd thing is that EQ deleted some that TU didn't and vice versa! Is this common?
  2. kalinka

    kalinka Well-Known Member

    Yes it's almost the norm that some OC's derogs
    get deleted from some but not from others. Also
    most of us that have loads of derogs end up with 4-5 really stubborn derogs that take a lot more work to get them off. Keep on disputing, keep good records (my files are already over 20lbs ). If youy want a perfectly clean record you'l probably have to
    sue some OC or CA or CRA .
  3. ryder

    ryder Well-Known Member

    Let's See... Not a very good CHOD at all, but I did score big on the rebound. Here's what happened...

    EX. I disputed a closed cc account that's showing an erroneous 120 day late that EX put on there just to tick me off because I send them dispute letters every other week. Disputed it twice during CHOD and twice received "previously verified" letters in response. So I contacted the OC and received copies of my back statements for the entire year showing no lates and sent it all to EX via CRRR. Still waiting for their response. This is my last derog with these *#$%!.

    TU. Sent in a request to "re-investigate" and "procedural request" on 3 collections and 1 closed cc account showing multi lates. Big mistake(!) as I received the now infamous list of creditors in response. Disputed again (online this time) and according to WorthKnowing, I got 2 of 3 collections and the cc lates removed!!! I'm still waiting for the letter stating they have completed their investigation. But so far so good.

    EQ. Disputed 2 closed cc accounts, one with a single 60 day late and one with multi lates. Got the 60 day late removed, but also got multi lates "verified".

    If TU comes thru for me then I'll only have one derog left remaining on each credit report. I definitely am beginning to see the light at the end of the tunnel, but I don't think I have CHOD to thank for it.
  4. sbdmom

    sbdmom Well-Known Member

    Chod was ok for me (so far)

    Eq- uneventful so far just a letter stating they need to verify identity before the inverstiation but..on privista..the account are showing up as "being re-ivestigated" so I'll give them there few more days..
    (I'm feeling generous)

    Ex- Hubby got one unpaid judgement deleted (yeah)
    they supposedly refused to re-investigate 2 other accts on my report BUT amazingly we got letters from the two CA we were disputing..makes ya go hmmm

    Tu- a true sucess story...
    Hubby-unpaid judgement deleted, paid tax lien deleted, 2 nasty collections deleted

    Me- paid tax lien deleted, paid judement from 4/02 deleted :)

    After all was was said and done I am very happy with the results but I sure did thing it was going to be a bust after we got bitch letter from all the cra a week after I send in the

  5. crebre

    crebre Well-Known Member

    well, experian is the only one that i have gotten back so far. i don't know what's going on with tu. they are way late and in violation territory. on the 27th the dispute began and i haven't gotten anything back yet from them.

    experian 9 deleted 7 deleted one remains and one updated, but it was updated incorrectly and i faxed the oc and they are pretty cool with correcting stuff so we will see. i need to go ahead and make the letter for tu. i am open for ideas.
  6. Butch

    Butch Well-Known Member

    Well ... I've done extremely well.

    I tried a new strategy tho. (I'll post a thread on it soon).

    Tried for 3 deletions from the foxy Mrs. Butch's TU CR, got em ALL.

  7. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    Re: How can we post CHOD results??

  8. Butch

    Butch Well-Known Member

    Re: How can we post CHOD results??

    Hey LB, you don't need to bump a thread that's already tacked to the top of the board!

  9. tnobles

    tnobles Well-Known Member

    Re: How can we post CHOD results??

    LOL!! I have been thinking the same thin Butch. Just picking w/you Lb
  10. kerry

    kerry Well-Known Member

    I am disappointed to report that we received no deletion of our BK accounts.

    We had very good results with our disputes last summer. A winning streak cannot last forever.

    See you all next year at CHOD 2003 when we dispute again.
  11. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    Originally posted by Butch
    Hey LB, you don't need to bump a thread that's already tacked to the top of the board!


    LOL!! I have been thinking the same thing Butch. Just picking w/you Lb
    When you go to edit a post and can't get back on the old unedited post get posted instead of the corrected one.

    This is what I ment by getting error messages about web site not responding playing havoc with trying to post messages.

    I was not trying to bump this thread.

    LB 59
  12. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    Re: How can we post CHOD results??

    I have been thinking the same thin
    Now: that's what I like a THIN Thinker - they're not so thick headed___ LOL
    Just had to Rib You Tnobles
    It's by one get one back U know LOL
    LB 59
  13. crebre

    crebre Well-Known Member

    Re: How can we post CHOD results??

    my results sucked with tu and eq.
    tu didn't delete anything and this was my 2nd dispute.

    eq deleted one thing, but they didn't mention another thing that was in the letter, so i think i will send them a delete or else letter.
  14. alent1234

    alent1234 Well-Known Member

    Re: How can we post CHOD results??

    My TU is now clean. 4 items deleted. EQ and EX have 2 derogs. One I need to send the letter to the CA since I paid it off years ago and on time. The other is a repo. For some reason TU deleted the 2 derogs that EQ and EX verified.
  15. hurleee

    hurleee Well-Known Member

    2 deletions, 1 updated to never late.
  16. crebre

    crebre Well-Known Member

    Re: How can we post CHOD results??

    i take that back. tu actually deleted two things. i am still going to send eq the delete or else letter. after reading everyone else's posts, i can't believe that i am saying this, but thank goodness for experian.
  17. wing007

    wing007 Active Member

    Re: How can we post CHOD results??

    chod sucked bad for me. The only item i disputed (unpaid collection) came back verified from both EXP and EQ.
  18. BlueRidge

    BlueRidge Well-Known Member

    Re: How can we post CHOD results??

    I got my father's unpaid federal tax lien deleted on Eq!!! Next I am waiting on Exp.
  19. tlcampbe

    tlcampbe Well-Known Member

    Re: How can we post CHOD results??


    I did great last year under CHOD, I got some deletions off all 3 reports. At this point, I still had late payments from 1998 on all 3 reports for Student Loans. And for anyone that has a student loan will know, it typically reports multiple times (in my case 8 different times on your report), so for one late payment you have 8 different late pays.

    This year, I think as a repeat - CHOD they were on to me. I got no deletions on Equifax or Experian. But lo and behold, all 8 of my old student loan accounts (USA and Sallie Mae) with late payments were deleted off my TransUnion report. I might also add that TransUnion was the only dispute that I mailed in instead of doing online.

    So after 15 months of undertaking this process (started on 10/1/2001), I have a totally clean Transunion report. Wow!! When I started I had like 17 - 18 negative accounts on Transunion, all of them late payments except for one which was a Paid Collection account with Amex. So take heart newbies, it takes time and effort but it can happen for you too. Most of my efforts was just through disputing the accounts as never late, not my account, etc.

    One collection account appeared during this process for a old dental bill, at which point I immediately contacted the dentist and offered payment in full in exchange for deletion which he agreed to.

    with a WorthKnowing score of 35!! (I never thought I would see anything higher then a 5 ;)
  20. SCMomof5

    SCMomof5 Well-Known Member

    Re: How can we post CHOD results??

    To add to my previous post.....

    Both BK7 and BK13 were deleted off Experian!!!


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