interesting info I found today . under the hard inquirires section of my report I noticed a name I didn't recognize. contacted the CRA to dispute it , mind you it depends who you talk to on what day . of course I wasn't lucky that day so I wrote a letter to the creditor asking their PP. recieved letter back. Dear Fun; in response to your recent request concerning our inquiry into your credit file we have carefully reviewed our records and have determined that we have not located any information that matches your name. however we do have a subsidary companed named XXXX who may have aquired your personal information for their purposes . their phone # is XXXXXX should you wish to contact them directly. thank you cust service rep ok so now I call that # and find that it is disconnected so I call the creditor back and inform them of this and request an address of their subsidary . they refuse and hang up on me. ( okay) now curious and fuming I write a letter to the creditor demanding info about their subsidary and state why would your company be listed on my CR if a subsidary allegedly pulled it . of course no response so I write a letter to the CRA and give them all this info and request the hard inquiry be removed I was denied, so I guess I need to write some more letters. something doesn't seem right here has anyone encountered this before?
Sue them :0 They wrote you a letter stating they dont have a permissible purpose. What more evidence do you need?