I'm in the same industry, a mainframe systems programmer. Things are tough right now. We had a rash a layoffs this week here. I think I still have a job. I will find out next week. In additiona to the below websites, I find that www.dice.com has lots of MF listings. Also, www.flipdog.com is comprehensive.
Mom, I'm sorry to hear about your loss. Losing your job is very stressful, especially with a family that depends on you to provide for them. I lost my job and was out of work for 8 months 3 years ago. Had a 1 year old and my wife was pregnant and out of work also. Hard times really discouraged us and I think I went on more than 50 job interviews with little luck. I took the opportunity to make a career change and got some more education. The unemployment really helped as well. We prayed and prayed, and after we emerged from the 8 month ordeal, I had a much better job, and my wife eventually came to work at the same company. It's been a long haul, and we are still recovering, but God does bless and take care of us. Our prayers are with you tonight. Don't lose the faith!
Thanks Suds. My company is in the midst of layoffs as well. Not a happy time. My heart goes out to SCMom and others going through this kind of thing.
Sudsman is right. It begins with "A". I appreciate all the prayers! And all the assistance. I have looked at some of the sites and I am grateful for the sites I did not know about. I have been laid off at this time of year before - without the severance, so I do thank God for what I have been given. I have been on food stamps before. Actually, due to family size, I do get quite a bit! My company hired an outplacement firm to help us transition. The gentleman called last night. There are more opportunities here than I was aware of! I will keep everyone informed. This is a tough time of year to be out of work. With regards to another statement made, the admin leave means I am still technically employed. The good part of that is that I still have insurance. again, thanks for your prayers.