Pray for me....

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by SCMomof5, Nov 21, 2002.

  1. cable666

    cable666 Well-Known Member

    I'm in the same industry, a mainframe systems programmer. Things are tough right now. We had a rash a layoffs this week here. I think I still have a job. I will find out next week.

    In additiona to the below websites, I find that has lots of MF listings. Also, is comprehensive.
  2. cma

    cma Well-Known Member

    Mom, I'm sorry to hear about your loss. Losing your job is very stressful, especially with a family that depends on you to provide for them. I lost my job and was out of work for 8 months 3 years ago. Had a 1 year old and my wife was pregnant and out of work also. Hard times really discouraged us and I think I went on more than 50 job interviews with little luck. I took the opportunity to make a career change and got some more education. The unemployment really helped as well. We prayed and prayed, and after we emerged from the 8 month ordeal, I had a much better job, and my wife eventually came to work at the same company. It's been a long haul, and we are still recovering, but God does bless and take care of us. Our prayers are with you tonight. Don't lose the faith!
  3. cma

    cma Well-Known Member

    Suds, does it start with an S or P?
  4. sudsman616

    sudsman616 Well-Known Member

    nope, an 'A'
  5. cma

    cma Well-Known Member

    Thanks Suds. My company is in the midst of layoffs as well. Not a happy time. My heart goes out to SCMom and others going through this kind of thing.
  6. BumbleBee

    BumbleBee Well-Known Member

    I can relate to your situation. It's tough, but God will see you through. Praying for you.
  7. xhardc0rex

    xhardc0rex Well-Known Member

    I pray for your health and happiness.
  8. radi8

    radi8 Well-Known Member

    Enjoy your time off, as a new job will no doubt come along soon!

    Best wishes and prayers!

  9. SCMomof5

    SCMomof5 Well-Known Member

    Sudsman is right. It begins with "A".

    I appreciate all the prayers! And all the assistance. I have looked at some of the sites and I am grateful for the sites I did not know about.

    I have been laid off at this time of year before - without the severance, so I do thank God for what I have been given. I have been on food stamps before. Actually, due to family size, I do get quite a bit!

    My company hired an outplacement firm to help us transition. The gentleman called last night. There are more opportunities here than I was aware of! :)

    I will keep everyone informed. This is a tough time of year to be out of work.

    With regards to another statement made, the admin leave means I am still technically employed. The good part of that is that I still have insurance.

    again, thanks for your prayers.
  10. marci

    marci Well-Known Member

    I'll be praying for you, too...

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