Preparing for Bankruptcy -- LONG

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by topazmoon, Oct 12, 2001.

  1. supershawn

    supershawn Well-Known Member

    Re: Superdupershawn

    No problem- I've already contacted Computer Services at UNLV. They do keep records of all logins, and they will help us track down the person who 'logged' in on your account and made those posts (more than a year before I was even a member here).

    Plus, two creditnet members have already forwarded me your responses to their emails regarding your 'rebuild your credit' ad. They will help us 'track down that hax0r' fast!

    My email is active here....just send one off and I'll forward my phone number for your legal team. Computing Services @ UNLV have my contact info too, they are looking into it from their end.

    You should have stopped while you were 'ahead'. Talking out your butt really dug you in a deep one this time.

  2. SEAN

    SEAN Well-Known Member

    Re: Superdupershawn

    See you in court...
  3. SEAN

    SEAN Well-Known Member

    Re: Superdupershawn

    Hmmm...seeing I don't have any affiliation with UNLV raises even more questions. So, talking out of your butt really is unfortunate. Additionally, I would argue that Creditnet could be held liable for engaging and dispensing information that could be questionable at best. Are you employed by creditnet and, if so why are you telling people to file for Bk. Things that make you go hmmmmmmmm. No need for any more of this, it will be handled accordingly. Someone will be held accountable for altering posts. If you didn't do it, my apologies. If you did do it ,shame on you. I guarantee that this conduct is way out of line. people should be able to air THEIR OWN opinions in a chat room without having their posts altered.
  4. SEAN

    SEAN Well-Known Member

    Re: Superdupershawn

    Oh, and funny how you initiated the whole Canadian thing, and then amazingly my posts were altered and then used in YOUR response....and you seem to know the ins and outs of computers ...go figure.
  5. SEAN

    SEAN Well-Known Member

    Re: Superdupershawn

    and Supershawn....Why is it that all the other posts state that they were "imported from the old board" and the one in question doesn't say that, even though the dates are the same (indicating that it would be the old board, based on the date listed)...maybe you can explain how you were able to play with old posts and put may name and login on it. Maybe because you are part of the creditnet team. This is getting very interesting, and I promise you Supershawn that I in no way made those statements or posts and I am very angry and feel completely violated. The only thing that I did was tell people on this board not to file BK and this is what I get in return.I am absolutely furious.
  6. supershawn

    supershawn Well-Known Member

    Re: Superdupershawn

    I don't work for creditnet- never said I did. Never ever even hinted at anything close. If you remember I stated my employment earlier in this thread (and you called me a liar).

    The UNLV reference if from both your posts and the two emails that were forwarded to me- they all resolve through the UNLV network. They have copies of the emails and are checking the headers to authenticate. Your IP address is recorded with each post- each post came from their system. They will want to know if someone is indeed logging in as you and using their system to post in your name.

    You shouldn't take offense to it- if you are indeed a victim, they are going to be helping you, not hurting you. I am sure your corporate lawyers will explain it to you.

    Although, I am not sure how much they will be able to help- we are not talking hostile takeovers and stock options here- you are claiming to be a victim of identity fraud. You might want to get a criminal attorney, although that's just my opinion (and we all know how much you respect that).

    I'm still waiting for the email.....

  7. SEAN

    SEAN Well-Known Member

    Re: Superdupershawn

    I am so angry, not so much at you, as I am the fact that someone was able to alter my posts. It is so wrong to do that. People may not always agree with posts but they should at least know that the post was in fact their own and not altered by someone unknown to them. Have a good night and thank you for your help. Sometimes we can agree to disagree on issues, but fraudulent posts are a whole different ball game.
  8. SEAN

    SEAN Well-Known Member

    Re: Superdupershawn

    and I apologize if you felt I was referring to you as a liar. It wasn't meant in that context. I just felt she shouldn't file BK....I was only trying to help her, and this is the crap I end up with.
  9. dogman

    dogman Well-Known Member

    TRUCE GUYS? Cmon-I can't keep up

    SEAN. Hi SS.

    Guys, just be done with this crap. I saw so many posts, I don't know who did what.

    I do know Super shawn generally has some nice informative posts.

    SEAN, I hope you read my other post - that we welcome all newcomers - unless they turn into a pain in the ass. Chill, dude. :)

    This is a credit discussion board - not a lesson in semantics.

    Just chiming in because others had to step in on
    some of my past wonderful emails!

    FYI - SEAN, if you can really get an attorney "to take it out of your hands" in only one or two emails, PLEASE immediately send their names to my corporation for immediate consideration! WE need to hire them....once it goes to legal....oh gosh! Arf!

    Best - seriously - dogman
  10. PsychDoc

    PsychDoc Well-Known Member

    Re: TRUCE GUYS? Cmon-I can't keep

    Dogman, did you mean to direct your "newbie" comment to Supershawn rather than to Sean? (Sean's been here since May 2000, about 17 months; while SuperShawn arrived in July 2001, or about 3 months ago.)

  11. supershawn

    supershawn Well-Known Member

    Re: Superdupershawn


    Listen. Seriously. I don't think anyone here is/was mad at you for posting your opinion. I think most everyone here is GREAT about respecting opinions- that's what makes this discussion board what it is. Opinions are good, both positive AND negative, as that's how all sides of a situation are really shown. It's called debating, and when it's done in a firendly way, it's very beneficial to everyone.

    However, you took it a little too far. You repeatedly 'insisted' that BK was the 'end all' to life. When many of us posted our real-world experiences, you accuses us of telling 'half-truths'.

    I, for one, do not appreciate that. And that's why I asked you to either show me where I 'lied' or apologize. It's a simple matter of courtesy. It's a matter of admitting you were wrong and moving on.

    I never once attacked you as a person, called you 'names', or said your opinion was wrong.

    Actually, if you go back and re-read this thread, you will see that I actually said that 'you made some really good points'. I agreed with you that 'bk' is not a 'good' thing, but it IS possibly the best outcome in some situations.

    I never encouraged anyone to file 'bk'. Read the thread, I actually said that many times. I simply told her that I had been through it and it is not that bad if you have to do it.

    Now, you did threaten me with legal action (why you did I am still not sure). It is right here in several posts for everyone to see. As a result of this I have contacted the computing services of UNLV- where your posts are being routhed through. I have given them the appropriate information they will need to determine if someone really is posting under your name. I am not doing it as an act 'against' you, I am doing it as I have to protect myself. You have made serious allegations which I maintain as false. Now, either there is a 'third' party logging in as you or you are telling another 'half-truth'- I will know very soon.

    Now, maybe someone 'is' logging in as you....if that's the case the info I provided will help you find them and we will owe each other apologies.

    HOWEVER, if they tell me it is indeed you, then I will have to deal with it accordingly as you will have falsely accused me of a serious crime- in a public forum at that.

    You still have time to apologize and end it. Feel free to email it if you'd rather not do it publicly.

  12. supershawn

    supershawn Well-Known Member

    Re: TRUCE GUYS? Cmon-I can't keep

    Right, fellow 'newbie', a month after you!


  13. SEAN

    SEAN Well-Known Member

    Re: Superdupershawn

  14. PsychDoc

    PsychDoc Well-Known Member

    Re: TRUCE GUYS? Cmon-I can't keep

    SuperShawn, no doubt about that! I'm pretty new myself. I was just wondering if Dogman meant to direct his comment to you rather than to Sean since Sean has been here more than a year longer than you have. It's difficult following all of this!


    P.S. Sean, if you aren't posting from the University of Nevada (Las Vegas), then someone is indeed doing something very nefarious with your IP packets! I can't imagine how they could make your postings look like they're from UNLV, but somehow that is indeed happening! Your IP address which is posted atop your postings, "", resolves as "" which is a server at UNLV. This could be a serious problem indeed! I think SuperShawn may well be doing you a favor by having UNLV take a look at all of this.
  15. SEAN

    SEAN Well-Known Member

    Re: TRUCE GUYS? Cmon-I can't keep

    Hey Guys......Since I have been here longer than all three of you and rarely post ( frequent reader, however) can't we just all get along. Once in awhile I offer advice, and in this case with Topazmoon, thought filing was not a good idea. I enjoy the board and would like this to be over and done with. Enjoy your evening.
  16. SEAN

    SEAN Well-Known Member

    Re: TRUCE GUYS? Cmon-I can't keep

    Right now I am online at my home.....not in a school or dormitory. My personal residence. My internet provider is Sprint DSL and my computer is made by DELL and I own it. This is very bizarre.
  17. dlo64

    dlo64 Well-Known Member

    Re: TRUCE GUYS? Cmon-I can't keep

    Do I see a big group hug here?

  18. PsychDoc

    PsychDoc Well-Known Member

    Re: TRUCE GUYS? Cmon-I can't keep

    Very strange indeed. Sean, your last message came through UNLV's server again! Perhaps we've entered the Twilight Zone, lol.

  19. supershawn

    supershawn Well-Known Member

    Re: TRUCE GUYS? Cmon-I can't keep


    I was just jivin' you, you know that. We've had a few good ones ourselves.....(and the thing is I actually hate debating). I didn't mean anything bad by it.


    thanks, that's all I was looking for. I just didn't want to be accused of something I didn't do. I respect your decision to end it that way AND your opinion's on BK.


    Hope you are not scared off of the board, it is a great place to come for advice and to learn. There are a lot of wonderful people here are quick to offer their personal experiences and advice.

    Can't leave out the dog....thanks for the support and hope all's going well.

    My brain hurts now, I am going back to my report and watching the (ho-hummmm) game.

  20. SEAN

    SEAN Well-Known Member

    Re: TRUCE GUYS? Cmon-I can't keep

    hugs indeed

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