privacyguard vs fico

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by dwarner, Aug 19, 2004.

  1. dwarner

    dwarner Active Member

    I looked on privacyguard and they said my score was 538 then i applied for a loan and they said my score was 492. Which score is really correct? Are the scores on privacyguard wrong?
  2. tr1252

    tr1252 Well-Known Member

    The PrivacyGuard score bears little, if any resemblance to the FICO score, and it simply doesn't count when applying for credit. PrivacyGuard is either way over or way under your FICO score. Very seldom are the two scores close.

    Many, many threads on this board have covered this issue. Do a search on it.
  3. nightowlky

    nightowlky Well-Known Member

    Mine are rather close (per my sig). I've thought of pulling MyFICO again but I'm waiting until one more collection drops off in a week or two (a Charge Off just came off TU and EX yesterday per a phone dispute with CAP 1 on an account that wasn't mine.) and then I'm sending dispute letters to all three CRAs tomorrow for some other items. My PG scores for those two bumped up 9 points.

    Perhaps it depends on how much activity is currently going on. I haven't had much activity on my credit report in the last 9 months.

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