
Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Illini, Apr 1, 2002.

  1. Illini

    Illini Well-Known Member

    Just signed up for this service last week. It said that it gives you updates each week, but my qestion is, when does it update?
  2. wolverine

    wolverine Well-Known Member

    Word on the street is that it updates by 3:00 pm on Mondays. Mine hasn't updated yet today, but I'm on the west coast, maybe that makes a difference.
  3. Pat

    Pat Well-Known Member

    I'm east coast and no update yet....

    This will be the third week in a row that they were late. They had been like clock work.
  4. jaj1701

    jaj1701 Well-Known Member

    Ya, the last three weeks have been late. Let's all email them and bitch!
  5. Pat

    Pat Well-Known Member

    It's probably Equifax's fault, somehow.....

    They probably can't handle the competition, so they're trying to drive Privista's customers to leave.

    Or maybe they're just late :)
  6. PsychDoc

    PsychDoc Well-Known Member

    I'm a Privista customer too. For what it's worth, I just looked at the Terms of Service, and they promise a weekly update -- but they don't promise a weekly update by Monday at a certain time. Rather than organizing a group bitch session over this, why not lead a happy life by changing one small cognitive map:

    Privista will update your report every week by Tuesday midnight.

    If you make that your expectation, they'll always be early, and you'll be a happy customer! :)

  7. Pat

    Pat Well-Known Member

    Sure Doc,
    figure out a way to take away our reason for bitching :)

    Actually, I'm quite happy with Privista, just spoiled.
  8. matty61184

    matty61184 Well-Known Member

    It's 8:30 here in Iowa, and privista STILL has NOT updated. I'm starting to get a little Pi%&ed! Hopefully it updates by late tonight.
  9. Illini

    Illini Well-Known Member

    Just checked, not updated. I am going to go nuts at any minute.
  10. PsychDoc

    PsychDoc Well-Known Member

    Oh my God, it's 12:31 a.m. the next day, and I'm not letting my kids go to sleep until Privista updates. Actually, it's not that I won't *LET* them go to sleep, but they're finding it really difficult to go to sleep because I'm making these little kvetching noises that some people (well, my family at least) find so irritating. To tell the truth, it's not so much a kvetching sound as a clucking sound. I actually sound a bit like a chicken in heat, LOL. Anyway if Privista doesn't update really soon, all hell's going to break out around here. One week I kvetched and clucked so hard that my tongue got caught in the gap between my teeth, and it was so painful that my wife had to run me over to the Baptist Hospital Emergency Room here in Knoxville. To be honest, we're Jewish, but they don't have a Jewish Hospital in our town, so we pretend to be Baptist when we go. For example, I don't say things like "kvetch and cluck" when I'm there, substituting WASPy phrases like "bitch and moan" -- nice gentile stuff. Alas, I digress. So, if Privista doesn't update soon, I'm liable to incur a big hospital bill. Then, if we have trouble paying it, I'm liable to have to whip out my big creditwrench and give it a dollop right between its validation and permissable purpose. I'd hate to have to go there.

    Thanks for listening.

  11. GEORGE

    GEORGE Well-Known Member

    DON'T forget to tell them DON'T PULL A CREDIT REPORT AFTER THE HOSPITAL BILL IS PAID~~~or suffer the consequences of having to pay $1,000 to your "SLUSH FUND" that covers the CREDITNET MEMBERS PSYCHOLOGICAL FEES...
  12. breeze

    breeze Well-Known Member

    I didn't get any email notice, but when I logged in just now it showed todays date, but last week's report.
  13. GEORGE

    GEORGE Well-Known Member

    How about pretending your me...Where I live I can't do ON-LINE DISPUTES WITH EQUIFAX~~~SO I CAN'T DO PRIVISTA EITHER...

    I have to do business with---->Advantage Network Systems, Inc.
  14. charlieslex

    charlieslex Well-Known Member

    GEORGE, I have the same problem. I have to go through CSC. What is the website that the Advantage Co has? Can you use it if you have to use CSC? Thanks Charlie
  15. GEORGE

    GEORGE Well-Known Member

    When I tried to DISPUTE it says I have to contact them...

    I can use $12.95...BUT NOT DISPUTE...
  16. the other

    the other Well-Known Member

    It has still not updated!! WTF?
  17. Illini

    Illini Well-Known Member

  18. wolverine

    wolverine Well-Known Member

    Anyone else still waiting?????????
  19. Laray

    Laray Well-Known Member

    i am still waiting for my un-update too, it sucks they are all so behind. I want my credit report updated every time i make a payment!

    damn the CC's
    damn the CRA's

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