Problem with Collection Agency

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by ohajih, Mar 14, 2002.

  1. ohajih

    ohajih Member

    Hello all!

    I have a hospital bill that was in collection and paid off which is showing up on my credit report. The bill was for the birth of my daughter.

    All of the invoicing was in my wife's name. In fact, we have a letter from the hospital saying that all bills associated with my daughter's birth should be on my wife's credit report, not mine.

    The collection agency refused to remove the account from my credit report because they said that since I was the primary holder on the insurance, we are both equally liable ib the state of North Carolina. As a result, they can legally put the account on my report or my wife's report.

    I know we may be dealing with the intracacies of state law, but does this sound right to you? ANy thoughts on how to proceed? Again, the hospital (original creditor) has written a letter asking for the item to be removed, but the colelction agency refuses to do so.

    Thanks for your help in advance
  2. KHM

    KHM Well-Known Member

    I would forward a copy of that letter to all 3 CRA's, they may not delete the first time around, seeing as it's from the original creditor, but that is where you build your case. It would only seem obvious to me that the CRA's would delete BECAUSE the original creditor said so, but we all know they don't work that way.
    Let me know how it works, hubby has a paid medical CA bil, and he is getting a letter from the original creditor sent today saying delete. I hope it works for you.

    Now that I think about it, you may already have an identity theft case. What I mean is, you have this letter from the medical place saying this is NOT your bill, yet the CRA's are ignoring it....hmmmm.
  3. ohajih

    ohajih Member

    It is actually my wife's bill (we're still married). My argument is that it was never billed to me by the original creditor. Therefore, it should not show up as a collection for me. I was never contacted about paying this bill.

    It's a big deal fro us because we are buying a house on my credit and income alone.
  4. KHM

    KHM Well-Known Member

    What I meant was you may be able to sue for enablement of identity fraud. They are placing someone else's bill on YOUR report, whether it be your wifes or not, it should NOT be on your report. Don't mention that it belongs to your wife, just stick to your guns that it doesn't belong to YOU!!

    GEORGE Well-Known Member

    Sounds good to me...

    "I never had any medical services at that hospital on that date,
    I've NEVER given birth...AND I'M NOT ABLE TO GIVE BIRTH"
  6. ohajih

    ohajih Member

    Aha!!! Thanks for the clarification. I will look into it.

    I have a lawyer friend here in NC looking into it as well....

    Thanks a lot...

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