Any of you ever had issues with your closing? I'm so pissed right now. We were scheduled to close on 3/27...the house was not completed by then so they scheduled the closing for 3/29, tomorrow. I just spoke to our mortage broker & found out that the builder lost paperwork that the bank needed. They had to resend the paperwork & now it won't be until Monday or Tuesday before we close. I called & scheduled our utilities to be shut off in our apartment on Monday, thinking we'd be moving in this weekend. Our moving truck is already reserved, the applicances are scheduled to be delivered, one on Saturday & the other on Monday. We have to be out of our apartment before the 1st. I'm so fed up with this. I'm waiting for the realtor to get back in touch with me to tell me what the hell I'm suppose to do now!! Just needed to vent. ~SJ
I had problems with my closing too, albeit it was nobody's fault. An ice/snow storm caused people not to go into work, hence no paperwork was delivered on time. So I was in the same position as you.. everything was done, movers, new appliances, etc. Luckily, it was an empty new home, so I called the seller and said, this is my dilema; they totally understood and let me move in, as well as my new appliances, etc, before closing... I closed 2 days later. I think if you have an understanding seller, you should be okay... if not, you're stuck...
Real estate closings are like Murphy's Law. If anything can go wrong, it I'm sorry you are having problems, but it truly happens quite frequently. When you have the buyer's lawyer, the seller's lawyer and the bank's lawyer not to mention the the seller's broker, the buyer's broker, the bank, the title insurance company, the surveyor and all of these other people involved...well...things happen. Take a nice bubble bath and just think by this time next week you could be soaking in your new bathtub in your new home! Congrats on your new home! L
Steff, Don't worry we all go through it. I was supposed to close last year on the 27th, well the the surveyor didn't have his paperwork done, and then the underwriter didn't send the papers over in time to the broker, etc. It pushed us ahead another three days. Hubby and I were also in an apartment. I remember the last night we were in there we had no phone, no TV, all the stuff was packed in the moving truck. Fortunately, I had called the electric company and extended the electric for a few more days (it was suppose to be cutoff by now). We ended up sleeping on the floor. The only thing you can do is grin and bear it, and make sure everybody - lender, surveyor, settlement company, realtor, has their stuff together. I know you're depressed and probably furious, but everything will work out at the end. Good luck and congrats. Dani
Thanks for the encouraging words guys. We're now waiting to hear from our lawyer..they are trying to get papers drawn up to allow us to move in this weekend & close on Monday. Thanks again!!
We are closing on the 15th of April and i am just as worried as everyone else here. FH is trying to obtain a loan for us to fix up the house and we are worried the mortgage company will rerun his (well our) credit and see that loan on his report and call this whole thing off or something. Upon home inspection, our house has electrical problems and some other problems, we asked they fix it....and you know the one thing the guy refused to fix is always the easiest....the basement had a broken window! Well guess what doe-doe you have to fix it...cause the code lady said so! Someone help us all get over these last minute jitters!