procedural request vs. re-dispute

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by kit, Feb 23, 2002.

  1. kit

    kit Well-Known Member

    Last month I disputed an account with the cra's and it came back verified. At the same time, I sent a dispute letter to the creditor asking them to investigate the matter. About ten days later, I received a letter from the creditor stating that they could not locate an account in my name or with that account number- said I would have to supply them with my credit report if I wanted anything else done. Long story short, the account then came back verified from the cra's. I have this letter which is pretty good evidence that they have no documentation and should not have verified the account- I am torn... is it best to send a procedural request (it obviously should not have been verified) or re-dispute the account with the letter as evidence? I am worried that if I re-dispute, I will not be able to fight this again down the road.
  2. LKH

    LKH Well-Known Member

    I would send a letter to the creditor advising them that they are in violation of the FCRA by reporting an acct. that they have no info on. Demand that they immediately remove it from all your reports. If that fails, either sue them or talk to an atty.
  3. uniondiva

    uniondiva Well-Known Member

    Could be that the cra lied about verifying the account in question. I would send procedure request and see how they allegedly verified this account. You may have grounds to sue cra if they did not verify.
  4. Kinetix

    Kinetix Well-Known Member

    Hi Kit,
  5. Kinetix

    Kinetix Well-Known Member

    oops hit the wrong button heh, but anyways I had the same problem as you did. On mine it turn out that the CA was reporting under the name of the original creditor, to verify this check the address used on the original creditor and compare to the address used on the CA if applicable that is if you have a CA link to this account. hope this helps. I'm boggled as to why they are reporting to CRA's under the original creditor name.. Kinetix
  6. kit

    kit Well-Known Member

    Nope, it is definitely the original creditor... the name of the creditor is on the letterhead. The part of this that really puzzled me was the part about needing to see my credit report to investigate the matter further-- I mean, what the heck difference does it make whether they have my credit report if they don't have any records on this account!
  7. LKH

    LKH Well-Known Member

    You do not have to supply any info to them. It is plain and simple - either they have an account with that # in your name or they don't. They want a copy of your report so they can produce an acct. Again, I would demand they immediately remove the acct. from your reports or go to court.

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