
Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by bigmon, Jul 17, 2002.

  1. bigmon

    bigmon Well-Known Member

    I've got letters from CA's. To dispute them do I write a separate letter or just write across their letter?
  2. mindcrime2

    mindcrime2 Well-Known Member

    Separate computer typed letter.
  3. Nave

    Nave Well-Known Member

    Hey BigMon,
    Welcome aboard. The FAQ has some good sources from past CreditNet posts to get you started. Such as a link to the CreditNet sample letter section:

    If you are sending a "dispute" to a CA they are referred to as "valiation letters". You should read the samples and modify the content to your particular situation but do NOT add or make major changes to them because they are worded just as carefully as to "what you should say" as well as "what you should NOT say" which is important.

    You should document the entire process (make copies of all coorespondance and dates) and send everything CRRR (certified Return Receit Requested) in order to keep an evidence trail. This could be important if they violate their responsibilities and you need to proove what you did to a court in order to get what you want.

    Good Luck.

    -Peace, Dave

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