professionl credit services

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by tkriverman, Jul 22, 2008.

  1. tkriverman

    tkriverman Member

    I have a credit report from 18th of july that shows Prof Cred Serv. tagging my report in collection status date of 11/22/04. I Disputed it thru the CRA and now it shows a status of paid after charge off - status date 11/2004.

    1.Do I have grounds to request a deletion?
    2.Threat with intent to sue (on what grounds?)
    3.Have they violated any acts?
    4.Basically what I'm asking is advice on how to proceed from here.
  2. jjgross

    jjgross Well-Known Member

    You alway's have the right to dispute you have to search for a reason wrong sate,total,name,etc,when it dola like payment.
  3. tkriverman

    tkriverman Member

    Ok, thanks, will continue researching this one.
  4. Hedwig

    Hedwig Well-Known Member

    Look at the way it's reporting and see what's wrong with it, and dispute those items.

    If it truly isn't your account, write to them and asked who they verified with--the person's name and phone number.

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