Anytime ANYthing comes up that could possibly be related to credit I find myself going on and on and on and on. (hehe). I have had several people call me that I do not even know asking me if I can "fix" what they did to ruin their credit. Truthfully I have NO idea how I did it other then pushing and pushing but I honestly can not believe how stupid the rest of the world is about credit, the reporting of credit, and how it affects them. So today at dinner the waiter tells my husband that he likes the way his credit card looked. I talked to the waiter for so long about credit he sat down next to us. My husband has decided I am in the creditnet cult....rofl
Hey, I like your post. You are so right about the rest of the world being unaware of what's going on with their credit. I am still amazed at the fact that people have no idea that everything in your life involves credit to some point. I was like that before I found this board ;-( I actually feel sorry for people who haven't found this wonderful board. ;-)
You're exactly right about "most" people and credit. I went through my repair process before I ever saw this board--read a lot from bayhouse, though. Before I started trying to fix mine, I thought things like the extra 10% off my purchase was *worth* the credit inquiry, and those old bad accounts won't count against me so long as I pay them a few bucks to keep them at bay (!!). ---------- Just curious: which card impressed your waiter? My "restaurant card" is usually my Amex Blue (until 0% runs out next month), but no one ever seems as impressed with it as I am.
I had an interview today for a CU as a teller (I really want to get into the sales part but this gets my foot in the door) ANYWHO, I was asking the lady (who is transferring to sales) about how their credit scoring is for cars/homes etc. She tells me she's not sure what is considered a good credit score. WHAT!?!?! We spent majority of the interview talking about credit and how using too much credit can hurt you etc etc. AGAIN, why is it the dumbest people have the jobs *I* want???? I feel silly telling people I have "self-taught" myself about credit, they look at me like I am crazy!!
I can totally relate. my husband tells me I'm obsessed, and I need help. He is limiting my credit discussions to less than 10 minutes a day. He just get how exciting it is to lose that last hard inquiry! LOL I talked to a mortgage guy today, and he was amazed at all the information I had. He was telling me stuff, and I was correcting him. LOL He told me he was going to call me and have me fix his reports! I've raised my husbands scores from high 400's to mid 600's. By the time we can apply for a loan, he should be over the 680 mark (damn sallie mae! LOL)
That's funny! One of my friends calls me OCDG which is short for Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Girl because I check my reports everyday and am on top of every change in them!