Providian and CL increase

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by kozman, Jun 20, 2002.

  1. kozman

    kozman Well-Known Member

    I have a PVN card with 1000 CL. Just paid 500 on the account. I'd like to get a CL increase to help out the ratios. Has anyone had any luck with over the phone requests? Will I get a hard inquiry for this. Thanks for any assistance!!
  2. thickman66

    thickman66 Well-Known Member

    I have had a providian card since spring '98. I started out @ $400 CL and now I am up to $6200. I called Prov. several times and asked for a manual review. They may tell you that you can't request that, but you can. I was told I could not a couple times. But anyway. Give it a call. They do look at how much you use your card as well, so if you are charging that will help. If you are lucky you might even get a 2 for 1...meaning, a manual increase and an offer by mail from them to increase. WHATEVER YOU DO, DON'T BE LATE ON A PAYMENT. THAT WILL HURT YOUR CHANCES. I hope this helps.
  3. KHM

    KHM Well-Known Member

    "To qualify for a CL increase we look at several factors, which may include, continued use (4 months straight), no increases in the last four months, annd prior paying history. The increase may cost anywhere from $49-99."

    That is the basica garbage line they look for. So as long as you have charged at least ONE thing PER billing cycle, have made more than the min. payment, and have not been late or received an increase in the last 4 months you SHOULD get it.

    Then after you get it PFB them asking them to waive the increase fee.
  4. kozman

    kozman Well-Known Member

    Thanks guys, I'll give it a try and let you know what happens.
  5. kozman

    kozman Well-Known Member

    They said they had to submit the request to a supervisor. Will this create a hard inquiry??? They gave me the ten days and you'll hear something. Does this sound like a denial? I've never been late with them ever. I don't want an inquiry just for 500 more dollars. Should I call back and tell them just to stop the request for a CL increase?
  6. FeliceRodo

    FeliceRodo Well-Known Member

    Well, I have not received a CL since September, have used my card every month, made more than the minimum, so I called Providian at the end of April and asked why I had been left out, where before I got regular CL increases. I was told they would put through a manual review, the computer may have overlooked me.

    I called back the next week to find out what was their decision and was told by a supervisor Providian has stopped doing manual reviews. None was put through on my original phone call.

    I called retention and the rep said a manual review could be put in for me. She took my income information.

    I waited 3 weeks and called back retention and asked what was their decision. The rep told me Providian had mailed a letter to me and I had been declined. I never received the letter.

    She offered to send a copy of the letter. I got that copy less than a week later. It stated Providian thought my debt was too high to handle an extention of credit.

    I don't believe that first letter was ever mailed. My sense is Providian is trying to save face over policy changes and is telling customers one thing but doing something else.

    I also don't believe I will ever get a CL increase again. My limit is 8k right now, and I carry about 5 k on the card. In the past I have received CL increases when I was $100 under my CL.

    I guess the point to all this is don't ever trust what Providian says - until the economy gets better, at least.
  7. kozman

    kozman Well-Known Member

    Will they post a hard inquiry? Did they do it to you before you were declined? I'll tell them not to go through with the request if they pull a hard inquiry.
  8. Cadillac408

    Cadillac408 Well-Known Member

    Providian is a great starter card (or use to be) but I've come to the conclusion that they really aren't down for the people (for the most part). I'm particularly mad because I have a Gold Visa at 16.9% and I have a MC at the dreaded 23.99% Well, guess what? I didn't receive a bill from them for May's payment. Luckily I have a recurring payment set up with my CU's bill pay system so that didn't effect my payment. I believe this was done intentionally so they could jack me to 29% Luckily I had my bases covered. I can't wait for these cards to be paid off and done with.

    I haven't seen an increase from them in so long...the last ones where the $100 they give you on your anniversary date. That's it.
  9. kozman

    kozman Well-Known Member

    I agree. I have about 500 more dollars to go and that's it. I'm just looking for an increase to help out the ratios a bit. If I wanted 29.9%, I'd just go to the local loanshark. At least I'd get close, personal attention in the matter:)
  10. FeliceRodo

    FeliceRodo Well-Known Member

    Kozman - they did not pull a hard inquiry on me.
  11. kozman

    kozman Well-Known Member

    Great to hear. They are so cheap, they probably don't want to pay for it. Next, we'll start seeing 35% interest. They are crazy but I'll take the CL.
  12. Cadillac408

    Cadillac408 Well-Known Member

    Along with a ride in the trunk of a Caddy but beats 29.9% right? ROFLOL...

  13. kozman

    kozman Well-Known Member

    I'd rather pay Jimmy down the street then those a**es at Providian anyday. At least he knows my credit is good:)
  14. AustinGuy

    AustinGuy Well-Known Member

    I think that Providian has pretty much stopped CL increases. I too have not had a CL increase in a loooonnnngggg time and I PFB'd them requesting one. I got a call saying that they would send it for manual review and I would receive a letter with their decision. No letter and never an inquiry on any CRA. They get a ton of activity from me because I use the card when I travel for work and I pay the bill off every month.

    With their precarious financial situation, I suspect they may have little or no room to increase limits. Of course, if they don't start getting some new customers, they're going to be history. While Providian has been good to me, I could do without the $59/year fee and will dump them as soon as it's prudent. I'm sure many other people feel exactly the same way.
  15. kozman

    kozman Well-Known Member

    I guess this begs the question, has anyone received a recent CL increase from Providian?
  16. jr

    jr Well-Known Member

    I have also not received a credit line increase in almost a year. I think that Providian will be tight on line increases till they get back on their feet.
  17. thickman66

    thickman66 Well-Known Member

    I received an increase of $500 about 2 months ago. They just gave it to me...I didn;t call them.
  18. GEORGE

    GEORGE Well-Known Member

    I'll be one of their customers...

    $20,000 credit limit MIN.
    4.75% BT and PURCHASES
    $0.00 annual fee
  19. raiderpam

    raiderpam Well-Known Member

    They gave me a whole get this , are you ready 60.00 increase not 600.00 but sixty dollars ,ROTFLOL
  20. suedan217

    suedan217 Well-Known Member

    I have to providian cards. One with 23.99% which I closed because they gave me the bs 29.9% apr, I have 1300 to pay back out of an 1800 cl, and then I have a Visa with a 5000 cl, that is at a 0 balance. And the numbers on that card are also numbered. I really don't like the company. They did come in handy when I needed a card, but the crap about raising the apr has really turned me against them. The Visa actually has a 16.9% apr because I once threatened to cancel, that is the only reason they lowered it. But about 2 weeks ago I told them that I would cancel if they did not take off the annual fee, but they did not budge. I get charged the annual fee in November, and I will cancel the card in October. A--holes.

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