I went to log in to my other account that I have with Providian only to get this message: You have recently been issued a new MasterCard account number, which replaces your current Providian account. Your account information is no longer available at this site; please visit the new site at www.mycardaccount.com for information on your new account. If you have not received your new account number, please call the Card Services Center at 1-866-889-9179. I log onto that site and get this: Under Construction Please Read!!! Thanks for visiting www.mycardaccount.com. You will be able to view your account information beginning Monday 10/28. Please revisit us at that time. Is this Emerge also?
It looks like the phone number is different and the other site is http://www.emergecard.com/ It's also under construction but doesn't say when we'll be able to access acct info. Who the heck knows, they've been so darn sneaky about it all. The back of my "emerge" cards says that Providian owns it, I guess it's just a certain section of the company or something. Let us know what develops. Newstdt
I called, because I wanted to find out if they would tell me who owns it. The person that I spoke with kept referring to the company as: Card Service Center Mastercard (!?!?!!?) Then she tells me, I think they closed your account, did you get a letter? Nope. So I ask for Executive office number, she places me on hold for 3 minutes and then the line disconnects. I call back just to get the number and a lady answers and I ask for the number, she gives me the run around and tries reading a script of things to me, I keep telling her (over 8 times) I just want the Exec. phone number. She has the NERVE to then get an attitude with me and tells me that maybe if I was nicer she would give me the number. I finally flipped from all the stress of this week's event, and the conversation is no longer rated G. After getting the number , I call and they tell me the company is owned by Cardworks. (which is Compucredit) She also tells me that it looks like I closed the account on Oct. 9 (the reason I called in the first place) and that it should read on my report, closed by consumer. I didn't call and close the account, but I had been speaking with a Jeanette Gilson regarding my accounts, and maybe she marked somewhere in the notes that I wanted the account closed. I don't know, but I will be looking at my accounts closer (now checking 6 x's a day instead of 3 )
What is going on with Providian? I have read some other posts about them closing accounts etc. Are they going out of business? If so now might be a great time for people with Providian issues on their credit reports to start the disputes.
Azur, You can get the telephone numbers for Providian's executive office from PFB. I recently posted them on another post so you can also do a search here. Good luck.
Same here... only I got a message from them saying they closed my account. Sure enough I logged in, and the available credit was put at zero. I wrote an angry letter via PFB, and I just logged in yesterday, and it shows it's been reopened. I try logging in today, and it says i'll be getting some mastercard.
I just opened an envelope and it contained my new MasterCard which lacked any bank name. It did say on the back that it was issued by Providian. The return address was Rapid. I also got the same thing telling me to call on or after the 28th. I just got upgraded from getsmart Classic to Providian Gold in August and liked the look of it. I have had no issues with Providian and was hoping to stay with them until I build up my credit. Are they converting everyone?
Boomer, I got the same mastercard you got. I received mine yesterday. It is a blue plain mastercard with the word mastercard on the top left corner. Very plain generic looking card. I use to have the blue classic providian visa. My 3 year anniversary is next year in June. I think I will close this account next year. I called Providian and they say Cardworks is taking over this account. My limit is $3,251, 0 balance, 16.9 fixed apr, $59 annual fee. Providian never warned me that they sold my account. I have perfect pay, never over the limit, and scores in the mid 600's. But they decided to keep my Providian clear visa that I opened last year in October $1000 limit, no annual fee, 23.9 apr.