After the longest time without a limit increase, I noticed on this month's statement that I got an "out of the blue" $1,000 CL increase on my Providian gold visa, taking me beyond the $10,000 mark. This is my oldest account and it has a zero balance. I've not used it for anything since February.
Dear Dave Congrats, I had a providian card in 99, had I only known its potential. (LOL in all seriousness)
Dave you should request Platinum via PFB. I got it with 5K. I still have them but have yet to get to 10K.. but I'm dam close. Other's can still knock this card but It's A-OK by me.
Fat Jake: When you requested Platinum via PFB, did they give you a problem or just upgrade you on the spot. What did you tell them and what were the plat terms? -NiceGuy
I called Providian last week and was given the standard answer that they don't take CL increase or APR decrease requests over the phone. "...that your account is reviewed monthly, and if we determine you are eligible for either, you will be notified by mail." I then tried PFB and received a call from the corp office who gave me the standard "Providian is not giving anyone increases due to the economy, but I will continue to monitor your account and notify you if are eliglible." I spoke to him about the APR increase from 19% to 29% in April even though I've never been late and my account is over 2 years old. He said sorry, but Providian will most likely run a promotion later this year for increases in credit limits. I asked if I could turn my card into a gold card. He said they can't do that at this time. I threatened that I would do a balance transfer to a new card I'd been approved for, he said: sorry we can't help you. I made reference to the increases Cap1 gave me (x2 my CL) after only 9 months of having the accounts. He said try back in a couple of months... Basically, Providian sucks, and their customer service is about as helpful as a peg leg to a marathoner.
I've noticed that once your account balance hits zero, the companies are very quick to give you credit line increases! Happened with FirstUSA and another one. Was so funny b/c I received a letter saying something like "we've noticed you've paid your account in full. ARe you planning to close your account. Please don't. We'll give you low APR convenience checks and increase your limit...blah blah blah" It was so funny!