Providian can kiss my butt!!!

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by milkmom, May 8, 2002.

  1. milkmom

    milkmom Well-Known Member

    Ok, so against advice I got a visa account with them. 1.5 times deposit for credit limit. I thought I could pay online but they wouldn't let me so I called in the payment, ahead of the due date. I called to see how long it would take to increase limit if I sent in funds and something told me to check on that payment I made. She told me that the payment would credit the next day and that the payment was due today so I would get a $35 fee. I asked her if she was kidding and she said no. I just sat on the phone with my mouth open. It would be different if I hadn't paid them 4 days in advance...

    I am ready to close it and that was the first bill. So you guys think that if I raise heck they will take the fee off? If not, I am closing it but I want a card that will give me 1.5 or more times my deposit. That is the only reason I wanted to start with them. Any suggestions guys? Thanks.
  2. whyspers

    whyspers Well-Known Member

    They have to post it the day they receive it if it will cause additional fees by them holding it. I posted this a while back, but don't recall the details, so you might want to do a search. I don't know if this only applies to mailed in payments though :(

    Anyway...they can kiss my butt too! I just paid off the card they are raising to 29.9%. Checked my balance online and its now a big fat zero. So kiss this Providian! <grin>

  3. thecatslai

    thecatslai Well-Known Member

    You can try to get them to reverse the fee through Planetfeedback. I hate them too but owe too much to close. I'm paying it off as fast as I can though.

    I wrote them through PFB and got a call within a reasonable amount of time. I wanted them to waive my annual fee. The lady said she couldn't see where I was charged one but just to be on the safe side she would waive two old over limit fees which amounted to about the same. They were really nice which totally shocked me.

  4. milkmom

    milkmom Well-Known Member

    LMAO!!! I hope they are reading this now!!

    I hope that is true about posting payment. I will do a search to see if I can find where you posted that info. Thanks. :)
  5. milkmom

    milkmom Well-Known Member

    Thanks thecatslai. I will try PFB. If they don't reverse the fee, they are gone!!

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