providian charge-off question

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by kell393, Dec 5, 2001.

  1. kell393

    kell393 Well-Known Member

    ok, my providian was charged off in 1998. osi tried to collect for a little while but disappeared. so i didnt hear anything on it until 2001 when i started getting letters from a collection agency called the credit store. they offered to put the balance on another credit card from bank of hoven, i did it. i have not had any problems until lately. asset acceptance started calling, i explained the credit store thing and they removed themselves from my credit reports and stopped calling. well then i decided to dispute the providian entry on my cr's but it came back verified amount correct. i called the # for providian on the cr and a recorded message says your account has been sold to asset acceptance corp. please call 1-800 bla bla bla. my question is this, if my account was sold by providian then how can i owe them $? should it not be 0 balance? i now owe the credit store for the providian account, right? what should i do now? should i talk to an actual person at providian? i've already tried pfb 2'x with no reply. any advice would be greatly appreciated. kelly
  2. Hermit5

    Hermit5 Well-Known Member

    I am not certain what should happen but I had similar charge-offs transfered to collections and on my report the charged off acount reads as transfered.

    It is actually a positive trade line now!!

    Anyway, It is inacurate so it shouldn't be there.

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