Providian: Does disputing w CRA invalidate a DV to CA?

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by hereinpa, Mar 23, 2008.

  1. hereinpa

    hereinpa New Member

    First, this forum is a GODSEND! I've been lurking and searching all day, and I can honestly say that in the span of 12 hours, this forum saved me about $7500 and TONS of grief.

    Second, I just found many posts here and elsewhere regarding the Providian Cardholder Agreement being governed by New Hampshire law. I've found some discrepancies between the DLA listed on my credit report and the actual date of last payment on my account. For example, I last made a payment to Providian Financial in late December 2004 (it probably posted to my account in early January 2005). The DLA listed on my credit report varies, but they all start to show "30 days late" beginning in March 2005. Some of them even show "reported December 2005".

    Obviously, there are some big discrepancies here. And I haven't yet heard anything from the law firm representing Providian / PRA in response to my DV. So here's my question:

    If I dispute the date of activity / delinquency with the CRAs, will that "invalidate" the DV I've sent to the lawyer? In other words, if I tell the CRA "Hey, my last payment was December 2004, please fix" does that mean I can't simultaneously tell the CA "Hey, I have no idea what this account is about, please prove it"?

    I'm so close on the SOL that I almost just want to sit quietly for the next few months. However, some of the information in there (such as that provided by Portfolio Recovery Associates) is blatantly incorrect and may interfere with establishing the start date for the SOL.

    So what should I do: Should I inform the CRAs that the dates are all wrong, or should I wait for the lawyer to fulfill the DV (if he can) and THEN inform the CRAs? My fear is that if I wait, the lawyer can file suit for judgement while I'm trying to correct the dates.

    Thanks everyone!
  2. bizwiz41

    bizwiz41 Well-Known Member

    It actually helps your case to dispute the alleged incorrect information on your credit reports. If they "verify" incorrect information, then you have another violation by ANFI.

    I would dispute the dates as incorrect, but do not give them "your dates" yet, wait to see what comes back as investigation results.
  3. hereinpa

    hereinpa New Member

    Thanks - I'll send out my CMRR DVs to the CRAs first thing tomorrow.

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