Providian Higher credit limit?

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by bac0ny0, Jul 27, 2004.

  1. bac0ny0

    bac0ny0 Member

    Well I just applied online with providian and was approved for a real rewards card with a $500 credit limit. Nice thing is that there is no annual fee and there is 0% interest ofr first 6 months. 19.99 variable after that. Anyways, I was wondering what peoples experience has been with Providian increasing credit lines. I was really hoping for a larger credit limit. Should I call them right away and ask them to reconsider my credit limit? Should I just wait and hope for credit limit increases? My highest score is a 646 with TU and I have derogs, other two scores are lower. I am not sure who providian pulled. Thanks for your help.

  2. tr1252

    tr1252 Well-Known Member

    I've had a Providian card for about 4 years, starting with a $1k limit. At first, they gave increases on a regular basis. I'm up to $5k now, but haven't gotten ANYTHING from them in well over 2 years. They did lower my APR to 10.99 and always waive the annual fee, which isn't that bad considering what others have been through.
  3. Dulanic

    Dulanic Well-Known Member

    I have had providian for 9 months or so... I think, they just automatically upped me from 3K to 5K last billing period.
  4. dario1979

    dario1979 Well-Known Member

    i thought they were getting out of the subprime market and going for more "quality" customers so their underwriting standards were a little more strict. That being said if you qualify for a card through them now you should be able to get a higher limit, unless you have limited income. please understand i am no expert on providian, i had a car with them and had no problems with them except that my limit was only 300.00 and i had an annual fee of like 29.00 but other than thtat i had no problems.
  5. Dulanic

    Dulanic Well-Known Member

    Yes they are going out of the subprime market for the most part. I havent had any issues with them yet, infact I use their Buy Smart program all the time, 20% off giftcards at places like Circuit City is awsome, especially since I work there so it's basically 20% off my already discounted prices.
  6. BradleyT

    BradleyT Active Member

    I've had providian for about 4 years. I started off with the gold one you had to pay to get and a $300 credit line. Now I'm platinum, no annual fees, 10.99% APR and a $3750 credit line.
  7. boomer

    boomer Well-Known Member

    I have an account with a $1k limit (same CLI since opening 3 years ago) which was transferred to Anyone have any luck with them raising a limit? Anyone have any luck transferring to a regular Providian?
  8. TradeWiz50

    TradeWiz50 Well-Known Member

    After my BK in 96. Providian Visa was my first card. Started out with a whopping $300.00 credit line. Over the years they increased it because I kept a balance on it. They charged me a $49.00 fee to raise my line. So I did it. Got it up to $11800.00 back in 2001.I haven't used it since then. I just keep it as an established tradeline.

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