Ooops, Sept 1999. Had the account 17 months now 4 months would be quite an accomplishment~!!! I originally also accepted all their programs (even the ones w/out extra credit lines) because it increased my CRA reported high limit and it also increased my balances (so it looked like I was using the card even more than I actually was). Fortunately, when you cancel the programs Providian will refund the interest associated w/the charges. Not sure how much this helped me with Providian but the higher limits certainly helped me when applying elsewhere! I always heard that you start with increasing limits and then eventually work on terms so I've approached rebuilding credit that way. I've got 12K in available credit in 17 months starting with Providian and I definitely believe that Providian has been key in rebuilding and increasing my credit lines elsewhere.
RE: Providian "Programs&q Along with Citibank, Providian is great for establishing higher credit limits. But forget their "programs," which pay off only under highly unusual circumstances.
RE: Providian "Programs&q I agree that you should never keep the programs. They're VEry expensive for what you get. But with the programs that give permanent extra credit... sign up, activate the extra credit, cancel the program, get your refund of program fees/intest, and keep their 200 line of credit increase free. I took my 500 card to 900 of permanent credit within 1 month of opening it by doing this
RE: Providian "Programs&q I see your point. With some banks, cancelling the programs would be almost impossible. You're fortunate never to have had that problem with providian.