Providian - Interesting News Item

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by DaveLV, Nov 28, 2001.

  1. Voyager

    Voyager Well-Known Member

    Re: Providian - Interesting News It

    I have to testify that Providian never has caused me one minute of duress and has given me with their card the chance at spending power. I have used the online payment service for two years and no screwups, no probs. The customer service seems worse than Citibank and others, but they have always been courteous and friendly.
  2. Beaker

    Beaker Well-Known Member

    Re: Providian - Interesting News It

    Careful, guys...I got my wrist slapped yesterday for being too positive about a credit issuer, LOL!
  3. Voyager

    Voyager Well-Known Member

    Re: Providian - Interesting News It

    What do you mean, "got your wrists slapped"?
  4. Beaker

    Beaker Well-Known Member

    Re: Providian - Interesting News It

    Voyager, I said that I liked a billing feature on one of my cards and someone cracked wise about it. Look for the Hecht's thread from yesterday. No biggie. I for one welcome positivity on this board!

    The love has returned to Creditnet... :eek:)
  5. newstdt

    newstdt Well-Known Member

    Re: Providian - Interesting News It

    Thanks Dave for answering my question!
  6. breeze

    breeze Well-Known Member

    Re: Providian - Interesting News It

    Should we add to "no happy dancing?" perhpas "no posting of compliments" and "no praise of CCC's" hahahahahahaha!!!

    thank goodness love has reutrned to creditnet.

    <happydancing on the sly>
  7. PsychDoc

    PsychDoc Well-Known Member

    Re: Providian - Interesting News It

    No wrist-slapping is allowed.

    The ban on happy dancing is now rescinded.

    Self-appointed rule-makers like me should be card-whipped with Cross Country Bank secured plastic.

    Doc :)
  8. breeze

    breeze Well-Known Member

    Re: Providian - Interesting News It


    Now he will make a rule against card whippings, hehe.
  9. RichGuy

    RichGuy Well-Known Member

    Re: Providian - Interesting News It

    Those who are praising Providian at this of all times are missing an important point:


    They overcharged good subprime risks to pay for the bad risks, just so they could maintain their artificial "growth" rate and keep the earnings scam going on their stock. The whole thing was a fraud, and as a result Providian can't help anyone out of subprime hell anymore.

    Thank God the Federal regulators are stepping in to make sure these impostors don't throw any taxpayer-insured deposits down the toilet. The last thing we need is for U.S. taxpayers to bail out another bogus "success story."
  10. DaveLV

    DaveLV Well-Known Member

    Re: Providian - Interesting News It

    If this is true (and I'm not saying it isn't) then it confirms what the prime-only lenders think of us.

    I've always said here that I don't think I will slip back into my old habits when it comes to my credit. Statistically, I may be wrong.

    Maybe there is something to the theory that past performance is predictive of future performance when it comes to credit.
  11. BigH

    BigH Guest

    Re: Providian - Interesting News It

    [QUOTEThose who are praising Providian at this of all times are missing an important point:


    They overcharged good subprime risks to pay for the bad risks, just so they could maintain their bogus "success story."

    There is no good subprime risk. Good and subprime
    on unsecured loans of any kind do not compute to be good risks. Providian made its mistake by not
    changing its mix fast enought of subprime v. prime
    as Capital One has done. I believe it has issued
    enough prime to have valuable receivables and will
    probably merge with a larger issuer in the future.
    They may way sell its subprime and underperforming
    accounts to a collection agency? Does any one else
    think so?
  12. rockbottom

    rockbottom Active Member

    Re: Providian - Interesting News It

    I just receive the Providian Gold, 0% til 4/02, No annual fee, 23.99% after, mainly got it just to reestablish credit.

    In the fine print, $9.95 charge for phone AND online payments!
  13. marci

    marci Well-Known Member

    Re: Providian - Interesting News It

    Was that a 3x5 insert or part of the actual cardmember agreement?

    Supposedly, that was supposed to be a typo, but if it was part of your cardmember agreement, I think Providian is going to slyly implement this online payment pretty soon.

    For what it's worth, Providian is a good company to rebuild with. Just keep your balance really low, if you choose to revolve, and pay early after your statement cycles.
  14. romanduv

    romanduv Well-Known Member

    Re: Providian - Interesting News It

    Don't forget the really nice feature of this card, A GRACE PERIOD , something providian doesn't like to give out.

    I got this offer after months of getting the "clear" offer (no intro rate, no grace period). I agree with marci, if you don't carry a balance after the first 6 months, this is a pretty sweet deal for sub-prime.

    BTW, The 9.95 has always been part of the offer. They're just waiting for the right time to implement it. Typo my a$$..

  15. marci

    marci Well-Known Member

    Re: Providian - Interesting News It

    I agree!
  16. Voyager

    Voyager Well-Known Member

    Re: Providian - Interesting News It

    I have heard Clark Howard, the consumer advocate on radio, say over and over again that any credit card company can charge any interest they want. There are no federal regulations concerning the interest rate, he said.

    Would the experts here please explain why Providian would be busted by regulators? Is Clark Howard wrong, or is there a misunderstanding on what the government can or cannot do conceringing credit card corporate practices? For sure, the new bankruptcy laws were lobbied heavily by the cc companies and were scheduled to be put into law at one time.
  17. keepmine

    keepmine Well-Known Member

    Re: Providian - Interesting News It

    They have been reined in by regulators because, they are a bank with FDIC insured deposits. The Treasury Dept. does not want a possible bank failure and as a result, have told Providian to start shoring up the balalnce sheet and to start leaving the subprime market.
    This has nothing to do with interest rate charges on credit cards and everythning to do with keeping the banks doors open.
  18. Fat Jake

    Fat Jake Well-Known Member

    Re: Providian - Interesting News It

    HA! Most people here on Creditnet are good subprime risk. People that have had rainey dayz and are now rebuilding and becomeing more credit savvy.

    As I've said on other post I like Providian because they let you rebuild with REAL limit's. Name one another card that will give someone regular increases like they do. I've gone from 1K to over 10K in limit's with there cards.

    No one in there right mind would keep SUBPRIME interest, and customer-service after they go prime. Not to mention the stigma associated with wipping these bad boys out at a counter.

    Should Providian sell my account to a collection agency. I DONT THINK SO! I pay the freeKin bill. Should they deny me the lowest interest rate by bluffing retention as I've learned from creditnet members... NO I'm making them money.
  19. rockbottom

    rockbottom Active Member

    Re: Providian - Interesting News It

    It's in the 12 page account agreement. Actually, it does say "may", here is the quote:

    "If you use our Paysmart service to make a single payment by phone or online from your personal checking account to your credit card Account, we may charge a fee of $9.95."

    Not exactly good language in a binding agreement, may!
  20. J. Edgar

    J. Edgar Well-Known Member

    Re: Providian - Interesting News It

    Shelling out $300,000,000 to settle class action lawsuits for behavior such as this without 'admitting guilt' is fairly damning.

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