Providian is suing me

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by hockeymom, Jun 2, 2002.

  1. Turtle

    Turtle Well-Known Member

    Providian sued me in Feb. of this year for a whopping $2200 debt so I am not surprised they went after you too. I'm sorry to hear it since I think Providian sucks and should be barred from offering credit to anyone. Unfortunately, when I was served at work I was too confused and scared to know that I could have tried to defend myself if I had only gone to court, but since I didn't they got a default judgement against me. :( The judgement included almost $600 in their so-called attorney's fees. I just found out recently that my wages are being garnished too. I truly do 'feel' your pain. :(
  2. Bill B

    Bill B Well-Known Member

    Is garnnish when they take $$ out automaticly?? If so that does suck! My neighbor owed them over 4k and they took 2k but yet they take you to court for 2k Unreal
  3. Turtle

    Turtle Well-Known Member

    Yes, they sent me a nice little court document that they are garnishing me through my employer. I have no idea how much it will be but I'm sure it will 'sting' each time I get a paycheck. I really despise them.
  4. cable666

    cable666 Well-Known Member

    I'd set up the account right away before your credit makes the bank refuse you.

    I don't like the idea of not being the primary account holder. I personally don't like letting my problems affect other people.

    Worse case, they find and garnish this account. Then stop putting money into it. Start using cash to buy postal money orders from the post office to pay bills.

    Don't forget, they have to find this account. What are the going to do? Call up every bank and ask? They can demand through the courts to get the information, but if they do, then you know what they are doing and can stop funding the account.
  5. hockeymom

    hockeymom Well-Known Member

    I have been doing a little reading because of my present situation, trying to look at all the possiblilities. One of things I came across was petitioning the court for a payment schedule rather than garnishment. I can't remember what they specifically called it, I'll try and locate it again. But basically you submit to the court your current financial situation (all your payments, mortgage, car pymt, utilities, etc,) to reduce your payment. I don't know if that might help you out.
  6. Turtle

    Turtle Well-Known Member

    That would be good. If you find anything on that please let me know. Thanks!

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