Providian / Planet Feedback

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Jim, Apr 28, 2001.

  1. Jim

    Jim Well-Known Member

    Just an update. I received my 3rd billing statement from Providian for my gold card. I received the card in Jan 2001. It still shows the 23.99% apr. No problem as I pay the card off every month.

    When I complained to Providian some weeks ago ( Planet Feedback) about the apr., Providian responded by lowering the apr. to 19.8% effective in 1 or 2 billing cycles.

    It appears that Providian is requiring 2 billing cycles to accomplish this simple task.

    Cap One by contrast lowered my apr. to 13.9% immediately when I complained via Planet Feedback.
  2. DaveLV

    DaveLV Well-Known Member

    When Providian lowered my APR it took three cycles for it to show on my statements. I haven't had a statment from Capital One since speaking to the consumer advocate, so I don't know if that one has already taken effect. Since he lowered it before I even talked to him, I suspect it has.

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