I heard Providian is handing out platinum cards like candy to its best customers. Would anybody verify if this is so? If so, why are they? I thought Providian was leaving subprime.
I know Providian almost lost the company, and they are raising apr's and lowering credit limits to compensate. I figure they are fereting out these customers to other lenders. But they are retaining their subprime customers who pay on time with them and other creditors. So is there a strategy of image for upgrading their own card members to Platinum? Why isn't Providian dumping all the subprime customers who have paid on time?
My mom has a Visa Platinum with them at a 7.99% fixed rate. She said she's had it for 5 years now and been very happy with it.
I just want to know if they will make a PUSH for ESTABLISHED "PRIME" customers...(not that they would approve me...BEEN DENIED TWICE).
They are hocking their "platinum" card. We get at least 1 app per week. Here's the catch, and it's a big one, 0% for 6 months, then 23.9%!!! Oh YEAH sign me up! We definately don't need a plat card with those limits. Have an ATT plat that has low apr and really good customer service. Providian really sucks.
They are sending me a card..I had a Gold with a $300 cl and a Getsmart with a $400 limit..Now I will have $1300 CL with their plat card..Not sure what the APR is..I have been with them since Ap;ril 2001 and have 5 other cards all with great paymnet histories
Not much has change with the Providian, all they did was changed marketing tactics- market the Plat. card to sub-prime customers. I've seen 'pre-approval' apps. for their Plat. card with a 3k limit. Not sure of the APR or if there is an annual fee. Still, one of the best things Providian can do is give those clients who did not have one, a grace period. Best regards, Mirage
I have a getsmart visa opened in June 2000 with no grace period. I called retention a while back and they did lower the a.p.r. to 16.9% I also have the Providian clear visa with a grace period.