Providian Reporting

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by mirage7, Sep 23, 2004.

  1. mirage7

    mirage7 Active Member

    Hi All,

    I filed BK7 in April 2000 which was discharged in August 2000. While many of my old IIB accounts have long since dropped off (or were disputed off), I can't get Experian (no surprise) to budge. One of the accounts listed on Experian is an old accounts with Providian. I had heard that Providian can't find old accounts (this account was closed in 1999/2000). Also, some of the account information, is in fact, inaccurate. What I am worried about is Providian verifying and adding the record back to EFX and TU again. In fact, I am worried about this occuring with most of the negative accounts only appearing on Experian. Anyone with any insight before I fire a letter off?


    Mirage 7
  2. display68

    display68 Member

    I had a charge off from 1999 from Providian that was my first deletion last year, when I first started on this board in January 2003....I had heard, too, they lost files from 1997-2001, so maybe try? It worked for me, I can 100% tell you that...gone from all 3 reports.

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